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Obama CTO

Barack Obama is going to appoint the nation’s first CTO. What are the top priorities?

Obama CTO



732 results found

  1. It's not a mystery anymore. Our nation as a whole is lagging behind other first world countries in education as a whole. Also according to the census, only a third of the country has a Highschool Degree when our standard of living shows that a Highschool degree does not make enough money to live off of.

    This is where this idea comes in. Make a public government sponsored website that allows parent and students of a school to grade the teachers teaching there based on fairness, content taught, how it helps the students in the working world and life, and…

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  2. As showed in this election, many Americans would prefer to vote earlier than election day, or vote via the mail, than to turn out on election day due to other obligations such as work. While many states already have absentee voting, some swing states such as virginia did not have absentee or allowed early voting and it disenfranchised many voters who could not take that time off to vote. With this being said, all states should have early voting set up 1-2 weeks before elections at easily accessable public locations so people who want to vote earlier when election day…

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  3. As of this year, thousands of americans have had their identity stolen due to out-dated privacy measures insured by our banks. The system is based on trust and checks can be passed with just a signature and a bank number. Like airport security, Banks should require more documentation such as a passport and a drivers license, and make it so these documents are harder to copy by adding more security measures such as a unique barcode that changes after each use, and a finger-print id that only the bank would have record of, and that cannot be sold to the…

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  4. 10 votes

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  5. The Geographic Information Officer (GIO) simplifies graphic relationships of information using advanced spatial data analyses, creates business intelligence for programs so they can know where their business is...resources, workforce, facilities…in terms of jurisdictions, markets, partners…and explain why outcomes vary…or could be changed. The GIO improves government’s ability to detect, plan, prepare, and respond. The common data is graphical depictions of natural or manmade physical features, phenomena, or earth boundaries. The GIO develops geospatial business cases with customers. plans and coordinates geospatial information capacity, assist in geo-enabled data and decision structuring, reports and publishes geographic products and analyses, creates interagency geospatial…

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  6. The products of academic, scholarly, scientific work (scientific articles, conference proceedings, research reports, etc) should be freely accessible to anyone, full-text, without any paid subscription. Knowledge should be accessible to anyone who wants to be informed or who wants to do more research. Also, the access to major scholar databases (such as Medline, EBSCO, OVID, PubMed) should be free of charge to anyone. The purpose of scientific research is to push forward the boundaries of knowledge and to inspire new research, not to make money out of it. The costs of maintaining these databases should be supported by the government.

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  7. In a country as large as America, gun control will only empower criminals and make law-abiding citizens more easily preyed upon. It's like Penn Jillette said - if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.

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  8. Laws are currently written in such a way that they are inaccessible to the general public.

    Without being able to make informed decisions, by understanding the laws which our legislators are voting for we are forced to take their word on the issue. This promotes a government based on charisma rather than real consideration of the issues.

    I suggest that each law be required to have an easy to understand non-legalese version to which legislators can be held accountable.

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  9. Staff the USPTO with a greater supply of IT and computer science experts so that more time can be devoted to reviewing software patents, ensuring that fewer frivolous patents are issued.

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  10. This is 2008 and it's time to respect everyone as the humans that they are -- the human beings with wants, needs, hope and dreams just like you. We as a nation and as humans must recognize the importance or equality under the law.

    Woman can vote, we have an African American president, it is time that we as a country stood up for the rights of homosexuals.

    Desegregation might never have happened if African-Americans had been forced to win their human rights through referendum. History tells us you can't protect minority rights through majority vote; minorities are, by definition,…

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  11. The idea for a "National CTO" is counter productive. I don't want the Federal Government to have any kind of control over the Internet or technology development. Such interference with the markets will only hurt development in the long run.

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  12. Just like those financial wizards invested in ever more abstract instruments of collateralized debt instead of real wealth creation, technologists have focused on copies of software and capturing eyeballs. To regrow America we need a new focus on machines which actually DO something, which create tangible value.

    The robotics revolution in manufacturing, agriculture, service, sales, health-care, construction, is never a topic of national focus, and we stand to lose out to Japan and Korea once again, unless the CTO steps up as a visionary for robotics and automation, not just free Internet.

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  13. Companies cannot send offensive mail into your home without a wrapper and a notice describing what is inside. Why should TV broadcasts be any different? With the new digital technology, part of the data stream for the programs could be used to put mandatory tags on what that picture frame contains. Sort of like bar codes on each scene you view and each advertisement. Government and industry would come up with standards for these codes. Then programmable units can be built to accept cards or transfers from PC's that will cause the screen and sound to go blank or display…

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  14. Require all internet service providers (ISPs) to make all information regarding bandwidth caps and limitations easily accessible to the general public. All limitations should be clear both before a user signs-up with an ISP and while the user is in a contract with the ISP.

    Details of bandwidth limitations should include any special limitations that depend on the type of data, the protocol, or the remote website or network. For example, any special limitations for streaming video or torrents must be include. Any limitations of email messages or other messaging protocols must be included. Any limitations that are specific to…

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  15. European reactors produce little environmental impact, yet provide a consistent alternative power to carbon based power systems.

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  16. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The goal of this bill was to cut waste just like you, Barack Obama, spoke about when you mentioned the waste associated with 3 point data entry. HIPAA's privacy issue was about encryption methods for this digital data, not more paperwork to sign at an office we associate HIPAA with. The act itself was called the Administrative Simplification Act.

    Read the exact words from
    "The Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA, Title II) required the Department of Health and Human Services…

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  17. Work out a deal between the US Government and ICANN to have the root DNS zone signed with DNSSEC to increase the security of the Internet for all users.

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  18. Let's bring choice and market competition to government services. Show me what percentage of my tax dollars are going to each federal service (education, foreign aid, social security, medicare), and then let me buy into those services, or not.

    If I'm not happy with those services, I can take my money to competing private services (private school, Red Cross, retirement plans, health insurance)

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. Once and for all, the nation should share a voting technology to ensure that our democracy can be accurate.

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