732 results found
Unlocked Cellphones for Everyone
Ensure that consumers have the opportunity to use the cell phone of their choosing on the network of their choosing by making the cell phone companies sell completely unlocked phones.
10 votes -
Establish data normalization in all govt. databases
Eliminate duplicate records in social programs. Based on my past govt work, there is usually around 10-12% of duplicate records for social programs. Recipients get multiple payments for years, and it goes un-noticed. Social spending programs can be reduced by at least 10% the first year.
3 votes -
Make sure we track spending when we send stimulus checks.
The government sent tons of money to people in the form of tax rebate checks, yet we couldn't track how they spent it. (We could only guess based on changes in economic indicators.)
The government needs to think this through and leverage technology (Paypal or the like) to do this properly.8 votes -
Teach programming to low income kids
There is no more meritocratic industry than software. Most of the great programmers I know were outsiders or misfits growing up. Learning to program was a refuge from their "normal" life. Only later did they realize that it made for a great career.
Kids that have the knack for technology should be identified early, and given resources to teach themselves to build software, no matter where they are growing up. They'll grow up to be members of a lucrative profession and be able to give back to their communities.
9 votes -
establish clear judicial guidelines about piracy
The RIAA and other private entities currently pursue piracy cases in civil courts with little or no precedent as to what sums of money are reasonable to take from defendants, what levels of evidence are required to convict, and what evidence is admissible in court.
The CTO should work with the Justice Department to set in place clear judicial guidelines, so that the RIAA cannot sue for overly large sums from defendants, and force them into settlements. The statue of limitations should be clearly defined, so that every lawyer and citizen knows exactly what to expect in a piracy case…
1 vote -
Security, identity, fraud, and privacy
In this information age there is great need for reform to the legal and technical infrastructure in the areas of security, identity, fraud and privacy. The position of CTO is ideally suited for addressing these issues.
We all know the problems. I will not argue the case here but I encourage spending a few minutes reading the following paper which nicely spells out the issues:
"At a Crossroads: 'Personhood' and the Digital Identity in the Information Society": http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/31/6/40204773.doc
On the technical side, I think organizations like the ICF (Information Card Foundation) are looking in the right direction. I believe a…
2 votes -
Close Guantanamo Bay terrorist holding facilities
Close it, give them trials, put them in prison, or ship them back to their countries of origin to serve their sentences.
2 votes -
I have a friend who moved to the UK from Boise Idaho to be with her new husband. She told me horror stories about the UK's socialized medicine. Her husband died, because he had to wait 3 months to be seen or get an appointment to deal with a variety of health problems, including heart failure and cancer. She asked me to please tell the U.S. government not to get involved in socialized medicine.
It makes sense to me when I see how slow our Medicare system is.
President Obama, and Senator Clinton - I agree with the need for…
1 vote -
Protect the 2nd amendment and do not reinstate the AWB.
Protect the second amendment and the rights of citizens to bear arms for self-protection, hunting, and, as originally intended, protection from a tyrannical government.
Allow citizens to continue to be able to acquire concealed carry permits.
Do not reinstate the expired, ineffective and useless Assault Weapons Bans. It has had little to no effect on crime, and has prevented law abiding citizens from owning guns of their choice.
3 votes -
Establish Wiki sites for the White House and Congress
As technology improves and works its way into more and more homes, it can revolutionize the concept of a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people".
Some of the best ideas for the governing of this nation are in the minds of people who may never set foot in Washington. A well-run Wiki could give people the opportunity to share and develop these ideas for new or revised legislation and for the implementation of federal law and programs.
For example, many people talk about tax reform, but it hasn't appeared yet -- there's too much disagreement.…
10 votes -
Fund AI research, both weak and strong
Whether it's the economy, energy, education, health care or national security, one of the common aspects of each of these challenges is that they require decision making in the face of uncertainty. This is one of the things that AI can excel at.
AI got a bad rap early on after promises that a "thinking machine" was right around the corner proved to be vapor, but it's a reality whose time is coming. We are making rapid advances in understanding the brain. We have cars that are starting to drive themselves. We have started to understand the mathematical origin of…
18 votes -
Increase the number of H1Bs for highly-skilled foreigners
The CTO should work with tech companies already promoting this idea to convince Congress to increase the number of H1B visas available annually for highly skilled foreigners. These individuals are coming to the U.S. for college, but are leaving because the government won't give them visas to stay and work at our high tech companies. American competitiveness was built with the help of highly-skilled foreigners (Einstein!), and now we're losing that edge because of backward immigration policies.
8 votes -
Remove the cap on wage earnings for social security
SS has a cap on wages where there is no more tax after a certain wage has been made. Remove that cap. Everyone regardless of how much they earn, should pay into Social Security
2 votes -
A "law to english" translator to let citizens grok gov't.
Government creates and is itself governed by a syntax called "law". Only specially trained "lawyers" are able to grok this language. Citizens, to be effective, must understand their government and must thus grok law. A simple law to english translator would do a lot to facilitate citizens' education.
14 votes -
Solar Technology & Use of Sunlight | Power, Energy & Exergy
Simply, the substantial solution would be sunlight: http://www.asrc.cestm.albany.edu/perez/
For example, Concentrating Solar Power (CSP), Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV), Customer Site Photovoltaics (CSPV) technology, ... centralized and at the point of use respectively. Comparison of the cost of construction a non-renewable resource with replenishment costs and the construction renewable resource with the source of 'exergy' as sunlight. And in the internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) - include the many risk coefficients. Risk, if CO2 sequestration and (Green House Gas) GHGs were released inadvertently.
Remember the GHG is now > 380ppm ?: http://www.earthregenerationsociety.org/
For instance, instrumentation is available…
5 votes -
Focus on improving our intellectual infrastructure
Rebuilding Federally funded science programs with less emphasis on near term outcomes and improving the availability of visas for foreigner who wish to study in the U.S. and remain here after completing advanced degrees would help rebuild the intellectual infrastructure upon which much of the United States' 20th century success built.
3 votes -
rethink corporate copyright ownership for the 21st century
The government should be proactive in supporting movements like creative commons, but also encourage copyright agencies to work together to make it easier to create innovative services based on copywritten material, while properly paying royalties to the proper copyright holders. Establishing a better standard for individuals without support by copyright agencies to defend their rights should also be considered.
14 votes -
Government IT spending dollars for Contract work for
A significant majority of the employed in the US work for small businesses. The small business community has not come to government with hat in hand requesting a "bail out". Instead they work diligently to create creative solutions for industry and government. The large IT contractors may team with the small businesses and thereby give the buying agencies the additional confidence they may desire.
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3 votes
Encourage broadband competition in all markets
Without competition in broadband market, providers will have little impetus to expand speed, reliability, availability, or cost of services. Encouraging competition will foment technological improvements, expanded availability, and pro-consumer rates.
11 votes