732 results found
WiMax Technology
In order to ensure that all people have access to the vast information the web provides, the CTO should work to create WiFi available to all people on all platforms. We have WiFi hot spots in major cities, but it is time that we expand this to all areas. WiMax technology exists, but it needs to be capitalized and used to ensure that all people have access to the information. With this we can finally have a well informed society. No longer will the major cable companies have a complete monopoly over the broadband industry. The internet should not only…
3 votes -
improve the usability of government websites
Current government website has minimum measurable usability and accessibility, but the interface and interaction design is far from current standards.
I suggest that government give opportunities to students in leading educational institutions (ie. state universities) to take part in redesigning the web experience of their jurisdiction.
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2 votes
publicly track roll-back of Bush directives
Post a website displaying the Obama administration's progress in rolling back Bush's creepier, more inflammatory presidential directives. Let's close Guantanamo and restore the rule of law.
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To paraphrase "The Graduate": nanotechnology, my boy, nanotechnology.
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2 votes
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Use technology to dramatically improve government service
While security and privacy are important, there needs to be more of a balance to weigh risks against benefits. There has been too much fear to use technology to dramatically improve government service.
Let improved service lead what government does in technology. Technology is the means, not the ends. The new CTO should be passionate about improving government service, and should determine best ways to use technology to do so
6 votes -
Carefully consider funding space elevator research
A space elevator has the potential to bring the cost of spacelift and exploration down to a truly commercial level. Materials technology is quickly advancing to the point where building a space elevator will become technically feasible. Further, funded research and a strong commitment to space exploration would benefit the United States and the rest of the world.
7 votes -
Public access to economic data
The Secretary of Commerce is responsible for producing economic metrics, such as the GDP, inflation numbers, cost of living, etc. This information is supposed to be publicly available, but is difficult to get to. Wider dissemination and easier access for the public, especially to the underlying census and economic data, would allow a much richer understanding of our economic climate, and promote more rational decision making in business and personal finance.
Imagine if public economic metrics, such as tax revenues, gov't funding, avg. income data, consumer spending, housing prices, were all available to anyone, and as simple and easy to…4 votes -
Create standard software applications for schools
There are thousands of school districts across this country that pay to build or implement software tools for things like report cards, online coursework, progress reports, student information systems. Why not create a standard application that is useful and effective and allow all schools access to it for free. It will save them from spending money on software and they can instead spend it on their students.
5 votes -
standardise on Microsoft solutions
All these weirdos giving weird suggestions, as if he could repeal the USPATRIOT act... btw how is it even connected to tech...
The best suggestion is to standardise on MS Solutions3 votes -
3 votes
Re-educate Americans to consume less
It's not about using more renewable energy, its about consuming less, needing less, wanting less. End personal greed and the sense of entitlement that leads to unsustainable waste of resources
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1 vote
Not exist. Anyone here like the CTO at their company?
This position will only create a way for big companies (google, microsoft) to more directly lobby Federal policies about technology.
This are only gonna get worse.
2 votes -
Build a nationwide firewall
We need a firewall to protect our critical servers (DNS, Governmental, etc) from cyber attacks. We should be able to close off International traffic at the flip of a switch should we come under attack.
8 votes -
Support technical education
The nation's future is created by kids. I prefer smart, broadly-educated kids do this work versus narrow-minded, uneducated fools.
11 votes -
Solve the wind turbines vs radar problem
For years wind, turbine proposals have been hindered due to their effects (both real and perceived) on Air Traffic Control, Air Defense, and weather radars. The wind turbine industry is frustrated because there is not a predictable process in the federal government for evaluating and approving new wind turbine proposals. Turbine companies have been known to go bankrupt because they spent much money siting a wind turbine farm, only to find at the last minute that their location is unacceptable due to the effects on radar. Development of a structured government evaluation criteria to determine early in the planning process…
3 votes -
Fix our economy by allowing the banks and automakers to fail
We should allow capitalism a chance to run it's natural course by weeding out banks and auto makers who over-extend and fail to innovate.
Yes, it will be painful. Many folks will lose their jobs but I believe that reality is the only true cure for greed.
9 votes