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Obama CTO

Barack Obama is going to appoint the nation’s first CTO. What are the top priorities?

Obama CTO



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  1. Battery technology will never catch up to the power production of fossil fuel vehicles. It takes too long to recharge and they will go bad before the car is no longer useful.

    Ultracapacitors on the other hand have a longer lifetime and recharge much, much faster than batteries. Funding and research needs to be done to make a fully electric vehicle that will compete/replace gas and diesel vehicles, in an effort to drive down fuel costs for Americans.

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  2. 5 votes

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  3. The federal government should adopt an idea that the Canadian government uses for its websites. The USA should have the same look and feel, and layout, from site to site. The logo and name of the site would differ, but there is no need to have vastly different looks from agency to agency. Most users of government agencies are looking for content - so it would save money to have less money spent on website design and graphics, more on delivering content and information.

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  4. Instead of bailing out AIG and the banking industry have the U.S. auto industry go to max production and have the auto's they produce be availble for sale to the american public at 50% of actual cost. The government could then pay the other 50% and a small percentage to the automakers for profit.

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  5. It is clear that  Energy dependence on foreign oil threatens our economy, frames our foreign policy and limits its effectiveness  and contributes to global warming. 
       by forming a NTA (national technology  administration-  with the first objective of making  this country energy independent by 2020)  this new CTO would determine which technologies should be explored and supported, developed to acheive this objective.

    Energy independence would accomplish a great deal in stabilizing the economy, provide jobs and reduce the threat of global warming.

    No doubt it would provide a model for other developing countries on how to deal with those impending problems…

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  6. Do it for the kids.

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  7. Provide incentive to startups in energy innovation.

    Level the playing field for garage-startups with ideas to invent in green energy innovation against the oil and coal giants.

    Google and Microsoft happened because there were no such products. Innovation from startups in energy cannot happen because there is already energy in the form of coal and oil. That is not a level playing field. The government has to offer incentives.

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  8. Government programs are created with specific aims in mind, frequently relying on advanced technology, or on scientific research. These programs sometimes succeed or fail, both of which are valuable outcomes. In our current paradigm, failure isn't admitted (e.g. DARE), vested interest perpetuate bad programs, and successful programs languish for lack of recognition or support.

    We need an independent agency, staffed by retired scientists, academic faculty, and smart independent parties who are responsible for evaluating and grading existing and potential government programs based on their technical merit. It is expected that any member will recuse themselves from evaluating any program in…

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  9. Invest in open source technologies

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  10. A "market place of ideas" is the fundamental requirement for a working democratic system but if the media is all owned by a few companies, then no matter how many channels there are they represent only a few viewpoints. We need to breakup Fox and Sony and others and create more "Viewpoints" from which we can get information.

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  11. Right now, people can be jailed for violating copyright. Copyright violations should not a criminal offense and public funds should not be used to enforce essentially contract disputes.

    Decriminalize copyright violations and place them int he proper courts, the civil ones.

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  12. Post all regulations by industry and companies that are in compliance and those who are not. The simple act of this audit will allow citizens to check in on both companies and those assigned (govt.) to regulate. If a checks-and-balances system were actually in place, maybe the credit derivatives market would not have transacted $256 trillion of business on the OTC without someone screaming "STOP!"

    Lobby groups should have transparency by registering online and all meetings with congress and senate persons must appear in an online calendar with all documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) posted so we see how discussions…

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Give people the option to work on science/technology/research/medicine projects to support the public like we do in Americorp (or even military service).

    Create benefits, tuition breaks and other perks in exchange for dedicating 2 years doing public service work in tech fields.

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  15. Reward any American citizen that can come up with an idea to reduce costs in any government program with the use of technology. Once the proposal has been vetted and proven by a research panel or technology board the citizen would receive 10% of the amount saved for one year above the costs of implementing that technology.

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  16. As stated on the XPrize Foundation site:
    "The mission of the X PRIZE Foundation is to bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. We do this by creating and managing prizes that drive innovators to solve some of the greatest challenges facing the world today.

    The X PRIZE is viewed as the leading model to leverage the elements of public interest, entrepreneurial spirit and cross-disciplinary innovation to bring about breakthroughs that benefit us all.

    We believe that a small group of people with passion for a cause can achieve that which has never been attained. This is why…

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  17. Tax pornographic and gambling sites. Those revenues will directly go toward lower the costs of High Speed Internet Access for ALL Americans. These kind of sites use the majority of the nations bandwidth, I suggest the pay for it's usage and help lower costs for the rest of us.

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  18. Government agencies are rife with waste and duplication of effort. Do something remarkable at the national level that will benefit everyone down to the smallest local levels.

    Creating a web-based bid & purchasing system is just one example of a system that stands to reap great rewards for the people by consolidating.
    The purchasing power of this magnitude of scale would stand to benefit every single American. If local fire departments and police agencies and public works and so on have the ability to streamline their efforts, the benefits could be huge.

    Another example of a national IT system or…

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  19. The terrorism of the future will entail not simply bombs and explosions or even chemical warfare, but it will be about hacking into crucial government information (weapons, new development, etc).

    If you've seen the latest Die Hard movie, such an overtake of "the grid" is not something too far fetched or impossible. Please make sure that the US servers holding such information is safe against terrorism!

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  20. The CTO of the United States should work towards getting Kevin David Mitnick.

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