732 results found
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creu creu
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3 votes
Bisect The Internet (Governet vs Internet)
Instead of trying to moderate and control the virtual world of the internet, I propose bisecting what we current call the 'internet' into two parts (or more). This would allow for a structured, moderated source for information and products while allowing independent peoples and companies to operate freely outside these domains.
In my proposal, I recommend a new Government run department that sponsors and hosts domains accessible to the world. These sites would operate under an umbrella of strict ethical codes and operating conditions to be considered 'sanctioned'. This would not simply apply to educational resources but also media resources,…
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Modular cars: Encourage the auto industry to build them
US automakers could revolutionize the industry by abandoning the emphasis on after-market sales of auto parts in favor of designing and building modular autos: drive module, body module, suspension module, interior module, and so on.
Of course, mechanics would have to retool, too. just like the blacksmiths did -- not a bad thing, given the advantages of CHEAP reliable and efficient automobiles.
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Enact legislation to protect privacy of ISP consumers
With new marketing schemes being developed by shifty organizations, it is important to protect internet users' online privacy. Schemes like Phorm look to inspect and modify all your internet accesses at the monetary benefit to the ISP. Some IT security communities have already spoken out against this technology. But, there is no legislation protecting consumers from their local ISP, should they decide to roll out such a technology.
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change military spending from offensive to defensive
Rather than creating weapons of mass destruction, let's invest in defensive tech to detect and stop attacks, especially here at home!
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Encourage local governments to foster participation
CTO can encourage this by setting an example, using open source tools that are easily adopted by local politicians and bureaucrats. e.g making it easier for cities and towns to create their own "311" service like NYC.
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provide that ISPs can operate on the same fiberoptic network
Consumers should be able to purchase packages from ISPs/Cable companies that transmit over the same grid or fiberoptic network, to allow direct competition that is not restricted by expensive infrastructure construction, which is a limiting factor for any new telcos.
This should help prevent monopolistic exploitation including price increases without any change in cable quality or programming, or internet speed.
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Make everyone in the country use Apple computers.
Standardization, yo.
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Abolish the use of legacy hardware and software
Forcing companies, manufacturers, and individuals to relinquish their archaic hardware and software will produce a temporary spike in hardware sales, as well as ensure that our modern, sophisticated standards are universal.
Banning the sale and resale of outdated hardware like IDE hard disks, floppy diskettes, USB 1.1, 32-bit processors, and other outmoded equipment ensures that consumers are buying top-of-the-line hardware with longevity. It also frees developers from being forced to shoehorn in functionality for equipment that should no longer exist.
Forcing the adoption of modern software standards like FAT32 formatting, current-generation Web browsers, external stylesheets in Web sites, XML-compliant document…
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Protect sensitive public sector data from foreign hackers
Ours should be a nation in which information is made available whenever possible. As state & local governments continue to tackle the challenges of limited access, federal agencies mustn't forget that competitors & enemies exist abroad. Our federal government must follow the example of the private sector in its commitment to excellence in data security.
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Give the right to vote to citizens of other countries
...to our allies and friends around the world. The United States of America is the leader of the free world, it's the greatest democracy of all ad we shoud give the opportunity to our associates to become part of it. It could become the planetary utopia of a world government for the first time in history.
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Be a full cabenet member and Exec branch IT department head
A CTO/CIO that is only a policy advisor with no department is pretty easy to marginalize in an organization as large as the US executive branch. For this reason the position must be a full cabenet member and department head with a staff, budget and mission.
The position must be the head of an executive branch Department of Information Technologies with a title like Secretary of the Department of Information Technologies rather than CTO or CIO. The department must have administrative and executive responsibility over the full life cycle of executive branch information systems, providing advice, expertise, implementation, operations monitoring…
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