732 results found
0 votes
gun legislation
back off on gun legislation change
1 vote -
Set the Goal of a Full Fiber America
We don't just need broadband everywhere and Internet for everyone, we need to acknowledge and embrace that the endgame for all this is a fiber optic cable to every building in the country. We don't need competition between the characteristics of broadband pipes; we need competition between services that run over a common infrastructure with unlimited capacity.
And in building out this full fiber infrastructure we need to start making the principles of the Internet applicable to specific geographic regions so that increased connectivity does not just connect us to the world but also improve how we communicate with our…
63 votes -
Promote computer and Internet literacy
The value of the Internet is directly related to the number of people who are comfortable using and contributing to it.
Computer and Internet literacy is more than understanding how to use a mouse and a web browser. It also means understanding online social interactions, effectively finding information and people, protecting against fraud and other malicious practices, and thinking critically about the information discovered on the Internet.
Computer and Internet literacy should be taught in childhood education, and in continuing education for adults who are coming online. As the Internet becomes an increasingly powerful tool of modern business and culture,…
58 votes -
Allow normal people to invest in start ups
Currently, arcane SEC regulations place huge burdens on companies wishing to raise money from the public. In fact, it is often flat out impossible for companies to accept investment capital from anyone who is not an "accredited investor". Accredited investor means over $300,000 in annual income, or over $1,000,000 in assets. Much of the tech community would love to invest their money in new ideas, but unfortunately, we are by and large forbidden to do so. Changing this is crucial to maintaining the united states as the leader in software technology.
7 votes -
Works closely with someone who understands ordinary people.
There should be someone very close to the top of the CTO's chain of influence who can ensure that assumptions are not made about the infallibility of technology being reliable upon simply because it requires humans to install and manage it and humans are inherently fallible.
Technocrats tend to live in a somewhat rarified intellectual atmosphere and someone should be at hand to keep the CTO's feet firmly on the ground viz a viz the possibilities and risks.
3 votes -
15 votes
invest in electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, saving GM.
Electric cars would require funding, but the concept is proven plausible. Creating the beast would require brilliant engineers, creating jobs; manufacturing the beast would require thousands of hands, creating jobs; the end result will be a shift away from oil, prolonging American self-dependance.
43 votes -
46 votes
Jumpstart Grade School Education
The crisis that the US primary and secondary schools are facing is no secret. Somehow we need to connect students with great teachers who are not only knowledgeable but also inspirational.
We need to have middle and highschool material available for free online. MIT is doing this now but only for college material.
http://ocw.mit.edu/For more info check out:
I pitched this to Google's 10^100 project.65 votes -
Vint Cerf for CTO
Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet, winner of Many awards, most qualified name in the hold the position. He must become CTO of the United States.
9 votes -
Network neutrality ONLY for the network
People are really adamant about network neutrality. Let's not get carried away and drag a whole lot of baggage along with it. Focus on the real issue. Any network infrastructure (any routes over physical medium that traverses public property) should be 100% content neutral. Only charge for bits and bandwidth.
4 votes -
Space mining of helium 3 for fusion power
Space mining would provide be a new industry space if it were profitable. One application for space mining would be helium 3 mining for fusion power and thus reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
The moon and gas giants are know to have helium 3 deposits and in combination with building a space elevator, costs to mine these material can reduce over time to affordable levels.
53 votes -
find a way for Obama to keep his Blackberry
Seriously, we're in the year 2008 and we can't get a secure email device for the PRESIDENT? That's so antiquated it's ridiculous. Sort it out and get him whatever he needs to do his job, and anyone in Congress for that matter.
6 votes -
Follow the Constitution
If the constitution doesn't grant you the right to do it, don't do it.
26 votes -
Require independent review by technical experts
Over the last 8 years, many governmental projects have failed to take into account basic principles of systems and software engineering, design, computer security, and privacy. The REAL ID proposal, for example, stored personal data in unencrypted form, relied on databases which didn't yet exist, and ignored the questions of false positives due to inaccurate data. Independent review by experts can detect these issues early in the process, which either gives time for them to be addressed or allows the project to be rethought far more cheaply.
60 votes -
Beamed energy propulsion
We need to open up space access, the current technology and bureaucracy are getting us nowhere, beamed energy propulsion has the ability to change everything. for a modest sum government wise we can definitively find out if this technology works or not, consider that prf Myrabo in 2000 reached 250 feet of altitude with an object powered just by a laser beam then NASA lost interest and the funds were given only by the military while in the rest of the world (china, japan, Germany, Brazil, Russia) are stepping up the financing for this technology. if you want to see…
18 votes -
1 vote
Standardize the Public Education System on F/OSS
Linux, OpenOffice, AbiWord, and a wealth of other, specialized educational software all exist for free. Switch now and gain more than just dollars...
Save Cash.
Public school districts pay Microsoft for Windows, Office and various groupware-related licenses, all with public money. Stop paying for software, and start spending money on everything else.Encourage Literacy and Open Access.
Never worry about students' access to the tools they need for homework and learning: it would all be free, as well as safe from viruses and other malware. The burden of purchasing software (Windows, Office, etc.) would be lifted from the student.Plant…
41 votes -
Adopt EFF's Innovation Agenda
Adopt the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Innovation Agenda as proposed November 11, 2008, at http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/11/innovation-agenda.
That is,
Repair the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Eliminate the ability of copyright holders to get statutory damages for noncommercial violations of copyright laws. Require proof of actual damages prior to any award based on copyright liability. Raise the requirements for content owners to receive preliminary injunctions against technologies in copyright cases. Congress should pass the FAIR USE Act and the Orphan Works Act.
Reform the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), emphasizing its role to promote, rather than impede, innovation. Patents, by constitutional…
28 votes