732 results found
Create Gvmt Managed Reqd Open Source Voting Software Project
Create a government managed required open source voting software project. This software should have it's code open to all for review/submitting updates but managed by the government. It should be a legal requirement that it is used by all voting machine vendors for any machines used for federal elections.
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Promote and embrace telework
Teleworking needs to be promoted at a national level. Traditional workplaces have been slow to adopt teleworking for fear of less productive people. Physically commuting 10s if not 100s of miles a day using fossil fuels is a waste of resources. Promotion of teleworking through tax breaks or other promotional means could help spark the change in workplaces.
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Create the post of Chief Online Safety Officer
The next Administration needs to co-ordinate the work being done by the Departments of Justice, Commerce & Education as well as the FTC and FCC in the complex and challenging area of online safety. We need national leadership to ensure that more research is carried out, national awareness raising is launched and that online safety messages reach every school child and their parents.
Under the Clinton Administration we had annual White House Summits on online safety and the President and Vice President used their bully pulpit to urge industry and schools to do more. It is time we had joined-up…
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Put Americans to Work
Offshoring of technological jobs provides short-term gain for Corporate America (e.g. lower labor costs), however our nation/economy can no longer afford the long term expense (e.g. reducing opportunity for American workers to build technological expertise necessary to compete globally).
Please provide incentive for Corporate America that hire and train American workers.
And please ensure that every American has access to an affordable broadband network. This will enable cost-effective training for all Americans (via virtual classrooms), increase telecommuting to help reduce our nation's carbon footprint, and improve availablity/transparency of information to better manage employee performance from afar.
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Please do not forget de animals
Make others countries to respect the life of the animals. If they want help from USA, they such also have high standart in the moral, like the New States does.Make some kind of exchange, not to give help for nothing. Like we buy many thing from others countries, like Chile, why??. if they do not have any moral and love to animals.
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Common Enterprise Architecture
To align information management with government functional agencies, there need to be a common enterprise architecture framework to address real time and historical government agencies business requirements.
Case inpoint, the horiffic events of September 11, 2001 could have been prevented if information quality and accessibility to business events in real time mode among agencies such as the CIA, FBI and Defense Department was available.
Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the business architecture, information architecture, application architecture and technology architecture is required.
This effort would promote best practices in terms of governance, standards, consolidation of applications, disable stovepipe application and improve…
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Close the "digital divide"
Low-income students - especially primary school students - are at a significant disadvantage in the digital era due to lack of access to both the hardware itself (computers) and the Internet (broadband access). In every generation, children are the future of the workforce, but in the 21st century, computers are indispensable for success in - and even understanding of - the working world around us. If kids don't have access, they fall exponentially behind those who do. What discoveries won't be made (or might be delayed significantly) because the child who might grow up to make them couldn't advance due…
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1 vote
gather scientific data from all fields to aid obama policies
We cannot let a ignorant body of house and senate representatives create legislation without the facts, without real scientific data that backs them up. The need to educate them on what REALLY works is essential. Just to mention an example the ethanol fuel idea is flawed, providing just a bare minimum of net energy gains after all is accounted for. (1 unit of energy spent = 1.4 gained), raises the cost of food, etc.
This should help streamline our energy independence goals.
All legislators, and specially President Obama need to have the latest data on any particular matter, cell phone…
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Sponsor job-creating applications of existing tech.
For example, why not rebuild the auto industry in a way that Detroit hasn't had the foresight to do? Provide incentives for new auto factories building smaller fuel efficient cars - factories & cars built here. In one program we could reward factory automation (robots), domestic job production (even with robots, you need people to run/manage factories), and attack the energy problem.
A similar example would be in textiles. Why can't a highly automated factory based in US compete with cheap manual labor overseas?
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coordination of criminal databases
There needs to be better coordination in criminal databases. National, state, county and local information needs to be tied together. This would help in stopping criminals from simply changing locations and continuing their crimes. I believe it would also help in the economic situation. By example: I had my identity stolen in 1993 and when I attempted to contact local authority about this they simply told me that I had been careless. I was a single mother and employed a nice young mother in my community who seemed to check out to watch my daughter. Unfortunately I didn’t check all…
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mettez moi à la place de Léonard peltier
34 ans de pénitencier pour un homme dont les crimes n'ont jamais été prouvés;
Qu'esr ce que le pays des droits de l'homme ? Agissez pour les minorités amérindiennes, FREEDOM, FREEDOM2 votes -
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Mandate IT acquistion Policies and Procedures to Agencies
Agencies have not followed standardardized policies and procedures in acquiring IT resources due to internal conflicts in correctly defining requirements and political infighting. This has resulted in IT acquisition failures and budget excesses. The CIO/IT acquisition function has often been relegated to an administrative level, with little or no power to control the acquisition process. The CTO/CIO function needs to be at the Secretary level, working directly for the national CTO, to ensure standard practice in acquiring and implementing IT systems.
1 vote