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Obama CTO

Barack Obama is going to appoint the nation’s first CTO. What are the top priorities?

Obama CTO



732 results found

  1. We need an integrated economic- environmental- social strategy for government -- and preferably across all three sectors (business, NGOs and government) -- that tracks human, social and environmental results with an overall performance scorecard.

    By measuring these quantifiable improvements – and how they drive economic vitality – an Obama administration could better track the "ROI" of programs, budgets, tax incentives, regulatory choices, and cross-sector incentives to stimulate an improved society.

    If the government shifts its focus to managing outcomes (such as reduced cost per mile driven for vehicles) instead of picking and choosing "winners" (like ethanol subsidies), then we could…

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  2. America's heritage and ideals are solidly associated with participation in democracy. This is found in our strong community associations, in our formal political systems, and in our collaborative research communities.

    We need supports for carrying this tradition into the future with innovations and platforms for communication that can succeed in revitalizing our level of engagement. This initiative would both include a grant program and a strategic oversight component.

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  3. We need long term taxation policies that businesses can plan around to motivate new energy technology and its deployment, and we need to stop subsidizing energy technologies we should stop using.

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  4. 3 votes

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  5. Spur innovation by putting a few million dollar prizes out there. You'll get a lot more than a million dollars of innovative work out of it.

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  7. Make all legislation, precendence, laws, municpal codes, etc publically available at no charge, and providing a means of indexing, sorting, searching, and determining differences with updates and bills. It needs source control!

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  8. Connected services are to the 21st Century (and beyond) what the telephone was to the 20th century. A national CTO should support and enable the creation of a wired/wireless IPv6 wired and wireless Internet that blankets the entire country, so that everyone, rich and poor, young and old, urban and rural, has equal and affordable access to this system. It should be a public utility, like the electrical and water systems.

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  9. The mechanics of democracy should not be private. Elections should be completely transparent . The private sector should not be able to profit from proprietary vote counting systems. All vote counting software applications should be the property of the citizens of the United States of America. As such, they should be completely reviewable, testable, and transparent.

    The Federal Government should coordinate with the states to migrate all election systems to publicly owned, standard platforms.

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  10. Change the organizational structure of government funded research programs so that the government administrators are encouraged to have their programs take some risks and actually innovate. Rather than continue their programs for life, give these administrators internal "term limits" before they move on to another program. And evaluate their performance partly on how well their programs do.

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  11. Nationwide road pricing would replace the fuel tax and return funds directly to the communities where people are driving. Nationwide road pricing would fund all road/bridge/tunnel and public transit infrastructure development.

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  12. The government's IT is not up to speed at all. We need a CTO who can make things happen in an enterprise. We need someone who has succeeded in big enterprises before.

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  13. CTO can encourage this by setting an example, using open source tools that are easily adopted by local politicians and bureaucrats. e.g making it easier for cities and towns to create their own "311" service like NYC.

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  14. The patriot act had many sub-ordinate clauses that strip away our privacy as American citizens. These were shoehorned in as an effort to protect us, while they in fact strip us of certain rights to privacy as citizens. Lets protect our nation while ensuring confidence and privacy to our citizens.

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  15. Embed intelligence throughout a nation-wide electrical grid, on both sides of the meter to enhance the efficiency of distribution and use. This will (A) accelerate the penetration of sources like solar & wind that are diurnal or intermittent; (B) take advantage of smart meters and distributed storage as plug-in cars become available; (C) permit power to be wheeled from where resources are rich to where electricity is needed; (D) provide tens of thousands of jobs and train workers to replace the baby boomers who will retire from utilities over the next 5-10 years. Start with the government-owned Bonneville Power Administration…

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  16. The Internet is one of the most valuable technical resources in America. In order to continue the amazing growth and utility of the Internet, the CTO's policies should:

    Improve accessibility in remote and depressed areas.

    Maintain a carrier and content neutral network.

    Foster a competitive and entrepreneurial business environment.

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  17. in consumer and end-user networks especially, neutral treatment of all traffic (without regard to protocol, source or destination) is essential to avoid a situation in which an ISP favors e.g. its own VoIP traffic over that of a competitor, or throttles an entire protocol (say, BitTorrent). Exceptions for abuse are implied.

    A complementary proposal is that ISPs and telcos stop advertising unlimited access unless they are prepared to deliver it - strict enforcement of false advertising laws should help protect consumers from signing up for a service their provider has no intention of delivering.

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  18. Execute a social media strategy that integrates public and government on all levels.
    - STRUCTURE: Create a distributed multi way information plan: Country, State County, City, People and back.
    - TOPICS: Create focus topics like Energy, Economy, Transportation... you get the idea.
    - WORK GROUPS: Build active communities of volunteers to run those online initiatives. 100 Million volunteers connected online - the spirit of co-creation now on a national level.
    - FEEDBACK: Allow the public to comment on government units and services, provide inputs and possible solutions.
    - ARCHITECTURE: There is a lot technology, even more new technologies who may…

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  19. We need to multipurpose devices, networks, spectrum whenever and wherever possible. Government procurement can lead the way by demanding openness for procurements that involve large numbers of machines. For example, transponders in cars; smart meters in homes; huge laptop or cellphone purchases; and networks that really could give excess capacity to abuttors while preserving priority for emergency services.

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  20. ISPs and owners of large networks (hosting companies, colo facilities, Military networks, large corporations) should have an established method of escalating incidents between each other.

    Any company with a minimum network size of ____ IPs is required to register. Only registered members can escalate between each other, ensuring that each complaint/escalation is properly formed.

    Anyone reporting an incident would provide proof (logs, urls, etc) as necessary.

    Depending on the reputation of the reporting entity (i.e. military vs. small ISP), automated action can be taken against the offender(s)

    Volunteer organizations, corporations, and other good netizens can join the fight against botnets,…

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