732 results found
Invest in financial education for future generation
Financial education is going to be the crucial part, as technology was about a decade back. The financial weapons of mass destruction (as stated by Mr. Buffet) that has bought us this credit crises are here to stay. Even with reforms and regulations they are going to grow and get sold to masses again. Hence to protect our kids from future attacks and prevent them from making naive and un-informed decision, a financial education is crucial at early stage.
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Allow normal people to invest in start ups
Currently, arcane SEC regulations place huge burdens on companies wishing to raise money from the public. In fact, it is often flat out impossible for companies to accept investment capital from anyone who is not an "accredited investor". Accredited investor means over $300,000 in annual income, or over $1,000,000 in assets. Much of the tech community would love to invest their money in new ideas, but unfortunately, we are by and large forbidden to do so. Changing this is crucial to maintaining the united states as the leader in software technology.
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6 votes
Abolish Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) sponsored by the DoD needs to be abolished! The SEI has provided ZERO LEADERSHIP to the DoD around open source software. Most of the SEI document have been translated into Chinese. WHO'S SIDE IS THE SEI ON, ANYWAY????
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0 votes
repeal ban on industrial hemp in the U.S.
INDUSTRIAL HEMP IS LEGAL everywhere in the world except the U.S.A.
This archaic law keeps us from using sustainable fibers to produce paper products, plastics, clothing, and more!
You can't smoke it to get high, so why is it still illegal?
...because the timber industry and William Randolph Hearst didn't want the competition and made it illegal..
The technology for harvesting is available and would cut deforestation by half!
Save our Trees!
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Vint Cerf for CTO
Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet, winner of Many awards, most qualified name in the hold the position. He must become CTO of the United States.
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1 vote
Crowdsource federal data
Put all data used to measure federal program performance and produced by federal agencies online in the most accessible form possible. Run a national competition to produce applications using that data in mash-ups to improve citizens' lives and the functioning of the federal government. To the maximum extent possible, present presolicitation briefings, RFP publication conferences and bidder conferences for federal procurements on video and make them publicly available.
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Builders to Bytes program...
Create an educational program to train construction workers / builders in the technology industry / trade. This should include training and eduction for: project management, coding / development, testing / QE, documentation, services, etc. We must create a knowledge worker economy!
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gag on my cock until obama grows his own
you keep gargling and gargling until obama can grow a penis
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Adopt ISO Dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
Like the metric system dates should be universal. This will confuse those of limited intellect but help anybody who ever has to sort order or do anything by date in a spreadsheet or on a computer... We only need convince 3 people: the President of the US, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs then let us please go YYYY-MM-DD when we specifiy any date here or anywhere in the world...
5 votes -
End Iraq war, clos Gitmo; Repeal Patriot; Del Bu Exec Ordrs
End Iraq war; close Gitmo; Repeal Patriot Act; counter ALL of Bush's Executive Orders; Establish Department of Peace.
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5 votes
Broadband speeds on par with S. Korea and Japan
FIOS is as fast as it gets for consumers and it still pales in comparison to data speeds found in the most wired countries.
Give us speed!
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Create ubiquitous wireless infrasrtructure
Why is this country so poor at providing cell and internet coverage? Why can't i assume I can make a call in a suburban or downtown area? Why should I need to check a coverage map? We should not. I've talked to friends using skype from very remote parts of the world with better quality than we have here!
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repeal dcma. i own the dvd, Why pay again to play on ipod?
I have no issue with people protecting their work. I have issues with people making me pay for a copy of a movie for each device I want to view it on.
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bring expectations for CTO in check. CTO is not Santa.
A CTO will not have power over courts, legislation and executive orders. A CTO will have power over how government uses technology- so bring your expectations down to earth, and ask for things like more transparency in Federal government and use of open standards in federal communications, documents, etc.
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Brings community networking to every community in Americaic
Instead of focusing on individual technologies, the CTO of government build technologies and tools to build a strong community networking across communities, so every community across America is strong, individual and participate in the democratic process on an ongoing basis, instead of democratic process being a point event during election year. A true democracy is established by the continuous participatory process of people of any country. This will completely mitigate the risk of lobby based policies as well as keep our congress men/women and senators true to their promises to constituencies. True Americanism has to be promulgated reflected, represented by…
1 vote