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Obama CTO

Barack Obama is going to appoint the nation’s first CTO. What are the top priorities?

Obama CTO



732 results found

  1. Seriously, we're in the year 2008 and we can't get a secure email device for the PRESIDENT? That's so antiquated it's ridiculous. Sort it out and get him whatever he needs to do his job, and anyone in Congress for that matter.

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  2. Create a wikipedia type framework for the building of software projects for the government. The aim is to get volunteers to build the software needed for more efficient running of central and state agencies.

    Software specs for sections of these projects, to be written using open standards, would be placed on the web. Volunteers could then create software to those specs and post versions of the software. Testing volunteers could test it out and list bugs. Software with the least bugs would be plugged into the working project code.

    Permanent hidden links from the publicly used software to programmers home…

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  3. Create a central self service public application where the public can go in to update all their information - census, tax payments, registrations, medicare & view information on their Soc security benefits etc..

    Even if just 10% of the population takes advantage of it, this can still shave 10% off the cost of collecting and maintaining such information, and usage would grow with time and increased internet access.

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  4. The Federal CIO Council needs to become a transparent , vibrant, accountable, trusted, outreach-focused working group that partners with agencies to efficient;y and effectively use technology to support their missions and ensure customer satisfaction, much like what happened with Web Content Managers via . The CTO and CIO roles need to have a more grassroots focus and multiple inputs and ideas that will naturally align with the business needs and policies of the government.

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  5. Rebuilding Federally funded science programs with less emphasis on near term outcomes and improving the availability of visas for foreigner who wish to study in the U.S. and remain here after completing advanced degrees would help rebuild the intellectual infrastructure upon which much of the United States' 20th century success built.

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  6. A significant majority of the employed in the US work for small businesses. The small business community has not come to government with hat in hand requesting a "bail out". Instead they work diligently to create creative solutions for industry and government. The large IT contractors may team with the small businesses and thereby give the buying agencies the additional confidence they may desire.

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  7. 3 votes

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  9. Anti-muslim attitudes should be changed...ALL MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS!!!!!!!

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  10. how can we lead the world as a free society in anything without at least assuring our own citizens that the basis for all of our freedoms, technological and otherwise, rests in our Constitution?

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  11. History has proven that when the American people have sufficient will, they can achieve amazing things. The Manhattan project and moon mission were both great examples of this.

    Completely weaning our country off non-renewable energy sources is a problem that will require an equal level of determination. If we expect to do this, we should dedicate an unprecedented level of resources to the problem. The transition will not be easy, but it will create a huge number of new jobs and will reestablish the USA as a technological leader in the world.

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  12. The USA brought over top Nazi's after the war to learn all they could; one of them was political propaganda which meant 1/2 or more of Germany had no clue what was going on: THIS media conglomeration to control "public perception" is illegal; the "management perception" military term means that they use lies, & false reports appearing true: to deliberately mislead & deceive; perhaps it should be called "the great deception" NOT democracy;

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  13. Our so called "lawmakers" have been operating outside of the laws of the USA, laws of Congress many times, & outside of international law: indeed, Robert Gates just stated (head of Dept of Defense) there IS no international law! Golly, is that the reason for so much civil unrest? The Corps with the backing of the USA politicians who drill & kill; rule & ruin country after country like currently in the Congo; where justice has fled as well: cuz like our "politicians" said: you can do whatever you want & never be brought to justice for it; we've gotten…

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  14. The Gov is currently a "tool" of the Corps; like the recent "law" passed stating they no longer had to list ingredients on labels, that passed in 3 minutes! bipartisan! mandate! so: it's (to the tune of hello dolly!) hello pesticides, well hello pesticides its so good to have you going down my throat! Golly gee, don't you see fellas that the Pharma gets 600,000 xs the cost of meds? Docs offices get paid 4 prescriptions written, and Corp lawyers take 2/3s of payouts! Golly gee Americans wake up and see that "free" only means free to do whatever any…

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  15. The lowest of low-hanging fruit in our quest to reduce oil consumption is to find alternatives to home heating oil. Something like 8% of our total oil consumption is simply for heating.

    Other alternatives for home heating like natural gas or heat pumps exist.

    Some form of tax credits could increase conversions, up to a full ride for those that qualify. This would:

    1) reduce oil demand
    2) allow elimination of the home heation oil subsidy program
    3) prevent Venesuela, through Citgo, from getting a public reations coup by saying they are giving home heating oil to poor americans

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  16. The governments data is the peoples data it should never be hostage to a proprietary format, and a Service Oriented Architecture has the best chance of providing the kind of integration many of these suggestions want/need.

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  17. information and content that is created by the government is generally made available in the public domain for people to legally share and build upon. along with the works that are published online by the government, there should be a web platform for citizens to publish their own ideas and material that they have created that might be useful in helping to solve social problems. this platform should offer creative commons licenses to users, so that the content that they upload can be legally shared and built upon by both the government and members of the private sector.

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  18. making contraception safe affordable available and getting the word out would de-fang the abortion issue

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  19. They should be bailed out under the conditions that a LARGE percentage of the cars and trucks they will build, will be alternative energy vehicles (heavy and light trucks - CNG & automobiles - fuel cell). Boone has the right idea; new CNG infrastructure (gas stations, pipelines) needs to be built! Americans will buy quality vehicles if they can deliver power and range.

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  20. We need to curb import dumping of goods, especially cars and trucks if we're going to save our Automotive Industry.

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