732 results found
Restore innovation to government research programs
Change the organizational structure of government funded research programs so that the government administrators are encouraged to have their programs take some risks and actually innovate. Rather than continue their programs for life, give these administrators internal "term limits" before they move on to another program. And evaluate their performance partly on how well their programs do.
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Improve the efficiency of govt operations to save costs
The appointment of a skilled individual in developing and implementing the kinds of applications that have reduced corporate costs while improving access to services could re-instill public confidence that government services create, not destroy value to its citizens. Such innovations could also be transported overseas to improve the trade balance a la NASA-led innovations in previous decades
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Initiate a goverment backed "XPrize" program
As stated on the XPrize Foundation site:
"The mission of the X PRIZE Foundation is to bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. We do this by creating and managing prizes that drive innovators to solve some of the greatest challenges facing the world today.The X PRIZE is viewed as the leading model to leverage the elements of public interest, entrepreneurial spirit and cross-disciplinary innovation to bring about breakthroughs that benefit us all.
We believe that a small group of people with passion for a cause can achieve that which has never been attained. This is why…
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improve the usability of government websites
Current government website has minimum measurable usability and accessibility, but the interface and interaction design is far from current standards.
I suggest that government give opportunities to students in leading educational institutions (ie. state universities) to take part in redesigning the web experience of their jurisdiction.
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5 votes
Create a government info site.
Documented in a user friendly way in which every cent you spend and every law you enact is publicized and explained in a user friendly way format similar to that of wikipedia or other web 2.0 sites in which comments are permitted and encouraged. This would create "civic initiative" and get everyone involved in their democracy.
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Agroforestry for Global Warming
I am not sure that this high tech oriented environment is right, but I will give it a try.
There is a lot of fuss about global warming, but PhDs generate nonsense on grand scales. And Scientific American demonstrated this in its latest special issue:
Firstly by repeating a false dilemma: Biofuels or Food? As we need arable land to grow organic matter for biofuels!
Then a big Catch-22 article: Water vs. Energy. As we need fresh water to grow organic matter!
Then: Bury carbon dioxide. As there are plenty safe places underground to store compressed gas. Furthermore, nobody appears…5 votes -
Implement CP80
Let us choose what we allow into our homes with a solution like CP80. Go here for details http://www.cp80.org/
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Create standard software applications for schools
There are thousands of school districts across this country that pay to build or implement software tools for things like report cards, online coursework, progress reports, student information systems. Why not create a standard application that is useful and effective and allow all schools access to it for free. It will save them from spending money on software and they can instead spend it on their students.
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Decouple profit from production for utilities nationwide
Thirty years ago the State of California decoupled profit and production for its utilities. The result has been that per capita energy use has remained flat since, while increasing 50% in the rest of the country. This simple change in the business model makes efficiency a profit center for utilities, thus tapping the cheapest form of energy as a business activity.
California has remained a world leader economically, and its utilities have pioneered new ways to serve and profit. Make this a national policy.5 votes -
imigration policy in yhe next ten yaers
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Award companies for keeping tech jobs in the U.S.
Too many companies are out sourcing (partly because they only care about the bottom now, and not a year form now). Companies should be awarded for creating new Tech jobs here and for investing in R&D here in the U.S.
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5 votes
Implement long term applied research
We need to encourage long term research and innovation with patient capital. Venture capital only funds projects which can turn a profit in a fairly short time frame.
We need more businesses with creative solutions to world problems. With the demise of industrial research labs (for example, Bell Labs) there are few places with a critical mass of long term thinking creative types. Universities have smart researchers, but frequently they are not interested in collaboration with industry or in providing practical solutions. Collaboration across diverse fields is difficult in the University setting because many researchers are extremely specialized.
We need…
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Install webcams in Congress and Other Government Buildings
I would be great to be able to always be one click away from live feed from Congress--quality live feed with quality audio. This would increase the public's involvement with, and awareness of, their government.
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Initiate Healthcare Reform by Reforming Health IT
Create HIT Guidelines and Progress Indicators for all health care entities receiving federally funded dollars. Guidelines should be based around improvements to IT infrastructure, with patients access to quick affordable care being the key outcome. I would call the whole initiative "IT-Health" and Promote it as "Healing the Health Care Nervous System"
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Abolish Financial company "self-audits" for InfoSec - IC(2)
Sarbanes-Oxely attestations are signed by the CEO, yet the controls and compliance tests are performed and reported by lower-ranking employees. Having come from one of the largest and elite, reporting inaccuracies and glaring security gaps fell on deaf ears. This ultimately left card members (holders) at risk. Everyone at the top was more interested in their annual bonus, as opposed to being ethical and responsive to protection of the "general public at large". An external entity needs to perform the attestation of the "state of security" at these firms & companies as opposed to internal security practitioners and business heads.…
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Solar Technology & Use of Sunlight | Power, Energy & Exergy
Simply, the substantial solution would be sunlight: http://www.asrc.cestm.albany.edu/perez/
For example, Concentrating Solar Power (CSP), Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV), Customer Site Photovoltaics (CSPV) technology, ... centralized and at the point of use respectively. Comparison of the cost of construction a non-renewable resource with replenishment costs and the construction renewable resource with the source of 'exergy' as sunlight. And in the internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) - include the many risk coefficients. Risk, if CO2 sequestration and (Green House Gas) GHGs were released inadvertently.
Remember the GHG is now > 380ppm ?: http://www.earthregenerationsociety.org/
For instance, instrumentation is available…
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Make Military Hospitals Veterans Hospitals too
I spent 4 years in Camp Lejuene, NC, had to go to the base hospital a few times, and it was always empty, like a ghost town. Meanwhile, thousands of vets can't get care in the VA Hospital system. Why not make military hospitals available to vets too?
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create a Security Advisory Counsel from Private Sector
There are many excellent sources of knowledge in these United States from the private sector. I have respect for those individuals and rely heavily on their publications, blogs, books, symposiums in order to be effective at my job as a security professional. There are persons in this beautiful country such as Professor Randy Pausch who are passionate. Some of us security professionals are passionate about what they do to protect and server their customers and clients. A panel of such brilliance from the private sector, would provide voices into shoring up defenses -- where private sector meets public and we…
5 votes