Build a global edemocratic charitable trust
It seems to me that you need an idea that will help to bring together all the peoples of the world to share your vision of hope and cooperation. A big part of the problem today is that we do not see the tools we need to build a better tomorrow. I would like share my vision of a tool that will help us to realize the shared dreams of humanity, empowering all peoples to build a better tomorrow.
The base concept is fairly simple, it is a democratic charity. The easiest way to understand it is to think of it as a dream machine, an online democracy where members vote on the dreams of others. It is like an American Idol for solutions to world problems. A place where everyone can participate, where we can address problems in real time, define solutions and vote on the solutions we deem most likely to succeed.
The foundation of any democracy is the right to vote. This democracy extends voting rights to members who contribute funds. It monetizes votes, providing incentives to donate and ensuring that those who contribute have a proportional say in how their monies are spent. In addition it operates as a trust, initial donations are invested, and it is the interest on investments that is used to fund the solutions that are selected. This may seem to limit the ability of the tool to quickly deliver solutions; however, the snowball effect as it rolls through time gives it enormous potential.
To reiterate it is a tool that at its roots is a web site that invites people to join an online democracy. The fee to join the democracy is whatever amount you choose to donate; however, your donation represents the strength of your democratic voice. As we roll through time, members express their dreams and a review and voting process percolates the best ideas to the top, where they are funded. Projects are paid for by the returns from the trust fund that is created when people join the democracy.
Going past the base concept, the next thing the tool tries to address is the complex nature of the problems that face modern civilization. A single democratic charity would have a difficult time addressing the myriad of different societal needs without causing conflict and divisiveness. This can be easily resolved by providing a reusable framework to implement a set of trusts where each trust supports a different cause. When a person joins, they make a donation and specify the democratic charity that they wish to support. The ability to direct donations towards a charitable theme (trust) allows us to address the problems that we deem to be most pressing. The framework approach provides the structure for the organization; each trust represents a specific cause, with potential for geographic or demographic characteristics. The web site provides a cohesive view of all the trusts that participate, and it allows each one to operate as a standalone implementation. This way you could have trusts to address environmental issues, poverty, disaster relief, even the local high school football team. Each dollar you donate into a trust account translates into a vote in that democracy.
We now have a mosaic of democratic charities that evolves over time as the needs and challenges of society changes. The next piece to understand is that the only way something of this magnitude could ever succeed is if it were impeccable, beyond reproach. It needs to ooze confidence and execute flawlessly. What is envisioned is a solution that operates at arms length from all of the monetary transactions. When a member donates into a trust account, a portal would allow them to specify the mutual fund where their donation is invested. Approved project are tendered to the public, with the competing proposals presented back to the members that sponsored it. An independent audit/actuarial function would represent a common cause that operates across all charities. Its mandate would be to ensure the integrity of the individual charities and the projects within. The democracy, the website, is a façade, its only mandate is to present the information, its source of funds could be advertising revenues and I would suggest that it remain not-for-profit.
Finally, the model could be specialized for different demographics. You could have a series of trusts that are funded by nation states whose projects are voted on by elected representatives. You could have a set of funds to assist the disenfranchised where monies are donated by anyone but membership is restricted i.e. children, indigenous peoples or impoverished peoples. You could have a series of funds that are sponsored by corporations whose projects are voted on by CEOs. The model is flexible and should adapt to perceived needs. Finally, the model doesn’t prohibit nations or corporations from participating in the funding of any trust accounts; it may limit their ability to vote.
Democratic Charitable Trust - What does this mean?
First, it is a global democratic organization that engages and connects people in an arena that is inclusive. It establishes a permanent relationship with donors, granting them lifetime votes for monies donated. It is a participatory democracy, and it can only help to showcase the value of freedom to developing nations.
Second, it is a Charitable website, which means universal appeal and reach. It is a voice for the generous of heart, and yet another opportunity to experience the blessings of charity.
Finally, they are trusts; it is the interest earned that is used to realize people’s dreams; the snowball effect as it rolls through time gives it enormous potential.
There are so many problems today that are in need of an answer. This idea opens its doors to the world and asks for answers to all of life’s most difficult and pressing problems. Given time and encouragement it will implement all the very best answers that are found. I think that the biggest challenge facing us today is that we don’t see the tools we need to build a better tomorrow. It is a place where peoples of different religions, cultures, and ethnicities can come together to express, share and realize our united hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow.
I thought a nice slogan would be “A Window onto a World of Dreamers and Dreams”. I see it as a precious gem, a rarity, a pure bright glimmer of hope in an ocean of froth.