ECONOMIC STIMULATION PLAN (Paid for by Illegal Immigrants)
(Paid for by Illegal Immigrants)
It is estimated in the U.S. immigration report that between 12 and 20 million illegal immigrants are living within the confines of the United States borders. It is not argued by many Americans that these illegal immigrants are working jobs here in the United States. This means that there is an enormous amount of tax revenue that has not been taken in from these people. My plan does four things simultaneously: it collects this past revenue, it works to offer citizenship, it creates many jobs for current U.S. citizens, and most importantly it is set up in a fashion that does offend people who are already U.S. citizens.
I know that there are many Americans that want to deport these illegal immigrants, but my plan allows for them to become full citizens by following a strict set of guidelines. The plan will allow them to buy their way to citizenship by paying extra taxes. This will help our struggling economy by creating thousands of jobs (which I will explain shortly). Using these Illegal Immigrants to create jobs for Americans, and to pay for those jobs, will help hateful people have a little more respect for them. It will also put an end to the idea that the illegal immigrants take away good Americans jobs. Under my plan these people will be creating good American jobs.
My plan also helps to narrow the amount of illegal immigrants inside of our borders so that when INS or the Department of Homeland Security are trying to find the people that are threats to our way of life, they have fewer people to sift through.
My plan is an offering of temporary citizenship to the illegal immigrants that can somehow prove that they have been here more than one year. These people will be required to do one of the following: 1. Pay double taxes for seven out of ten years, or 2. Pay triple taxes for three out of 5 years. They will also be required to give their fingerprints to the FBI database, enroll in English language courses, and citizenship courses. They have to do all of this in order to prove that they are serious about attempting to learn our language (if they are not already fluent) and prove that they honestly respect American citizenship. Once they have completed all of these requirements they will have a review hearing to establish full citizenship. If the illegal immigrant complains however, the offer will be withdrawn and they will be deported. This is a success oriented program though, so there will be nets to catch the people who struggle to pay triple taxes if that is the choice they select, but they will finish our program if they want to stay.
Even though starting this program will require an initial investment on the part of the United States government, the taxes generated will be put into a separate tax system which pays the government back and pays for the many jobs this new program creates. These jobs will be created under a new heading or department in the national government for now I am calling it the “New System”. There will be three groups of jobs created by this system: one will be jobs created in order to follow up with all of the illegal immigrants on a regular basis until they complete the program, the second group of jobs will be for teaching these people English, and the third group will be for teaching each of them about U.S. citizenship. Again I will state that there are between 12,000,000 and 20,000,000 people in this country illegally. If you average that at 16,000,000, then take away a third who are probably children (who don’t work) you get 10,666,666, and then take that times the amount of additional money put into the “New System” by the illegal immigrants newly collected tax dollars (which I will blindly estimate at 3,000 per person without regard to whether they choose the 3 year or seven year plan): 10,666,666 X $3,000 = $31,999,998,000 this is an estimate of the additional money that will be collected annually and used to pay for these transitional jobs. At an average of $40,000 per year this system will create nearly 800,000 jobs. Each one of those positions will pay an estimated average of $5,500 taxes per year. This means that nearly $4,400,000,000 in federal taxes will be paid annually from the “New System” and the jobs it creates.