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Agha Dilbar
My Open Letter (Blog) has been sent Seven Lak (700000) to International Community for the welfare of Humanity till today. I Agha Dilbar authorize Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, to Publish and Radio, T.V. Channels to broadcast this letter all round the World.
Dear President Barrack Obama
the Great Leader of the World
I Agha Dilbar have sent Mr. President 100 registered research Letters (1000 new ideas to develop America and to Change the World for Peace and Prosperity)
Through Embassy of USA Islamabad till today and also direct sent these registered Letters to Whitehouse Washington DC 20500.These letters have been written on the guidelines of CHANGE WE NEED. And these letters are about the Common Men Problems of respected American Peoples and their Solutions. To end, Economic Recession, Unemployment and to Finish War, all round the World for Peace and Prosperity. In these letters I have sent one thousand new scientific Planning /Suggestions, about every walk of life for Peace through Friendship Progress and Prosperity all over the World.
My dear Barack Obama, the great leader of the world, my friend, my brother, provide an opportunity to Agha Dilbar to pay an official visit to America, that we two brothers sit together and by halting this horrible war.
In this war 1-million people have died from 9/11 till today, if this war continues, it will become the 111- World War.200-Million people would die, if 111-World War is triggered) can take out 6.5 billion people of the World from abyss of destruction .We two brothers Barack Obama+ Agha Dillbar can put them on the road to Progress and Prosperity through Peace.
Dear President Barrack Obama considers, from 9/11 till today, America has conducted many war operations in connection with War on Terror, resulting the circle of war has spread hundred times. Millions innocent persons have died.
In this war. Many More have been rendered homeless. One Lak (10000) war affected youth joined the army of Al-Qaida and Talban by the help of anti American countries have begun gorilla war in a horrible manner. It is the result of wrong war strategy. I Agha Dilbar desire to solve all above mentioned problems in a meeting with President Barrack Obama by adopting new revolutionary planning by bringing an end to present gorilla war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the result the World can enter in a peaceful, advanced and progressive world, May it be so.
I Agha Dilbar have a new War Strategy to achieve success through Table Talk between Talban, Pakistan and American Gov. 90% of Talban that are fighting against Pak Army belong from Swat and Tribal Areas of NWFP. I can provide America all realistic facts in such manner that their implementation could convert these Talban into Patriotic Citizens of Pakistan.
In this War Strategy Pakistan Gov will never send his Heavy Artillery, Tanks, Cannons and Air craft in war. In this way 5-million persons will never Displaced. In the end Talban by their will handover, their Weapons to Pakistan Gov, they will come to Table Talk and Suicide Bombing will come to an end in Pakistan. Through this War Strategy Pakistani and American Gov can save expenses on war. Through this planning American and Pakistani Gov can utilize their saving on war budgets for development of Schools, Hospitals, Colonies, Markets, Industry, Roads, Bridges, Dams, Canals of Swat and Tribal Areas of NWFP that are war affected.
Due to wrong war strategies of the American and NATO forces.
The war on terror is getting worst mainly due to use of air craft, tanks, Cannons.
Because nine innocent people are killed for a single terrorist this way in these circumstances thousands
of innocent people lose their life or properties and any other source of income.
In the result many people join terrorist or become suicide bomber. As they think there is no other way to take revenge of the innocents killing of their relatives these are the basic reasons that hundreds of suicides are generated very quickly and easily in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq particularly who further kill thousands of other innocent public.
On account of present war strategy, Billion Dollars are being wasted yearly.
This war can cause Fall of America instead of continuation of war; my best suggestion for America must keep his Supper Power on the World and should conquer the World instead of war, but by his No-1 scientific technology spending on agriculture, industry, trade, education, scientific development and tourism, all round the World. Making an end to Economic Crisis in America.
A new Global Package is being offered for your kind honor. America will have to make complete and final announcement that in future all Multinational American Companies to get free land on 20-years lease and will set up under the BOOT agreement (in undeveloped and poor countries) factories, mills five star hotels, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, air companies, shipping companies, latest railway, bus transport and steel mills. All these companies will be bound to handover without any cost to under developed and poor countries well as their machinery and transport after 20-yaars.
A new suggestion in connection with Global Peace is offered that in return of export American Agriculture and Industrial Products, will give his 50% prophet to the exporting countries and utilize as Aid on the development of agriculture, industry, trade, education and tourism. This suggestion, making an end to American Economic Crisis and get full support to enhance his Foreign Public Relation
. May it be so?
To make successful American Foreign Policy on Global Level the following planning is put before:
a) America will have to provide free scholar ships at least to ten top master students (in each country) of medical and science in underdeveloped and poor countries of the world.
b) Highly educated and well trained one hundred cultural groups (each group contains 100 persons) will have to arrange one hundred cultural shows for three months in big cities of underdeveloped and poor countries.
c) America will have to arrange exhibitions through his Embassies for his latest products, in the underdeveloped and poor countries .All these mentioned above industrial exhibitions will be arranged continuously for two months. In the above mentioned exhibitions present products will be sold except export order booking. In mentioned above exhibitions, American Cultural Programs will have to arrange and American Traditional Dishes will be kept for sale. In these exhibitions American Tourism Stalls will also be set of.
Following rules and regulations will be undertaken for the progress and prosperity of American students.
a) Among metric, Fsc, Bsc, (eng} .Mbbs, Llb, Ca and diploma holders in all institutions, all those receiving degrees at the state level, ten each from girls and boys by cash prizes will be announced on behalf of the gov during invitation on lunch.
b) For above mentioned top ten intelligent students boys and girls each, tours for different historical and healthy sites will be arranged free of cast.
c) Sport Talent Schools of international level will be set up over the country at the district level, in which students of extra-ordinary sports talent taught from class one to Fsc level.
d) American states gov will announce free transport, free medical facilities and free lunch during education to all school, college and university students.