Introduces Social Media Inside Government
Execute a social media strategy that integrates public and government on all levels.
- STRUCTURE: Create a distributed multi way information plan: Country, State County, City, People and back.
- TOPICS: Create focus topics like Energy, Economy, Transportation... you get the idea.
- WORK GROUPS: Build active communities of volunteers to run those online initiatives. 100 Million volunteers connected online - the spirit of co-creation now on a national level.
- FEEDBACK: Allow the public to comment on government units and services, provide inputs and possible solutions.
- ARCHITECTURE: There is a lot technology, even more new technologies who may just be allowed to jump on it. Create a way to let go and let those technologies proof itself. Not everything need to be "integrated".
- EVOLUTION: The contributors will determine what tools works and what not.
- COORDINATION: To prevent 1,000 groups or tools provider competing for attention publish the success of each tool, each group, each initiative..
- SUCCESS: When other nations come and visit to learn from what was accomplished
- OBJECTIVE: Make things happen faster (online) with more resources (people) at lower cost (volunteers).

gloverette commented
This idea is one that would help to make goverment more accessible to the common person and allow them to better understand how our government actually works.
NicP commented
Seems like a good idea. Worth a try!
frontofficebox commented
I agree with Axel
immunity commented
Axel, my comment is not silly advertising nor is it communism. Its making citizens aware we're moving forward w/transparency. When the USG needs to collaborate, it need not be out in the open for all to see. Open Source Social Media tools have been brought into the USG as they have any big business. I opened the trail for you to look into this further based on news & other PR we have on this.
axelschultze commented
@Immunity, your idea of "Social media behind the firewall" sounds like Freedom in communism. Do you want to advertise your "Enterprise suite of tools" here. First: this is not a good place to do silly advertising and Second: Your behind the firewall idea is EXACTLY what need to CHANGE !
immunity commented
This concept is already being implemented & executed within the Federal Government with various tools behind the firewall. Its one of the things I speak about. We have an Enterprise suite of tools we are trying to educate our colleagues at all levels/agencies of Government. You can follow me on twitter to learn more about it @immunity You can also read up on "Intellipedia" & "A-Space"
Ashok Kumar Misra commented
Please give self realization to one and all around America & spread the same across the world for a permanent solution to all the problems of the mankind. For details please visit web site
This technique of meditation is free simple, effortless. We can give a presentation anywhere for free. Already being practised by 130 countries including yours!
Get connected with god first!
vanpooler commented
The work groups are a good idea. Give people a chance to sink their teeth into one issue they care about on a local level, but still be connected to the larger effort going on in other places.
DCdawg commented
The problem is security and privacy of these technologies. In addition to FISMA, most agency have certain privacy laws and security policies that they need to implement to protect citizen data. It's just not easy as "let's do it." We have to look at the cost-benefit compared to the risk.
jpritikin commented
Are you familiar with the National Initiative for Democracy proposal?
I'm not sure if the CTO could help enact the National Initiative though.
johnwedd commented
i like this idea, but it sounds to much like myspace for cause heads.
vxl119 commented
This is closely related to "open source government." See Wikipedia: