Invest in making our kids think science is cool again
Our children no longer want to be scientists and they think math is for nerds. Create some initiatives to make science cooler for young children. Create some programs in elementary schools to get kids interested early in science and technology.
TheM commented
This user disagrees with the idea that our children now think that math and science are for nerds: the public perception of them hasn't, as far as this user can tell, changed dramatically in the past 50 years. Although focusing on better education, particularly for talented children (who are dreadfully treated by most public schools, as they -will- do well on tests), is important, it isn't vital
caross commented
Absolutely! If you have read "The world is flat" you will see that this is the primary concern of our modern US. We need to "prime the pump" with bright and innovative people. Just hoping things will happen will not make them so. We need education to get our citizens back up to par with the rest of the world.