Standardize the Public Education System on F/OSS
Linux, OpenOffice, AbiWord, and a wealth of other, specialized educational software all exist for free. Switch now and gain more than just dollars...
Save Cash.
Public school districts pay Microsoft for Windows, Office and various groupware-related licenses, all with public money. Stop paying for software, and start spending money on everything else.Encourage Literacy and Open Access.
Never worry about students' access to the tools they need for homework and learning: it would all be free, as well as safe from viruses and other malware. The burden of purchasing software (Windows, Office, etc.) would be lifted from the student.Plant Seeds for the Future.
As time goes on, techno-literacy will only need to increase. Open software encourages curiosity and playfulness with technology.

liamcross23 commented
Agreed, OpenOffice offers 100% of the usable functionality in the office suite and none of the fluff...
Blaenk commented
I have had many friends whom I've taught Linux to ask me why schools don't just use Linux and/or F/OSS on their computer. It's true too, less worrying about malware and it also runs much quicker, and is overall more stable. All of this for free.
reya276 commented
I totally agree, I think that going open source for the public school system is probably one of the best suggestions ever. I don't know about you but Ubuntu/Linux is my choice of distro I believe this too should be made widely available to all public schools. Also I think that the entire US government should move to ODF standard document format.
nerdychaz commented
Open source is the future of computing. Developers only need to remember to make their product user friendly, not geek friendly and F/OSS has a future.