Space mining of helium 3 for fusion power
Space mining would provide be a new industry space if it were profitable. One application for space mining would be helium 3 mining for fusion power and thus reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
The moon and gas giants are know to have helium 3 deposits and in combination with building a space elevator, costs to mine these material can reduce over time to affordable levels.
Ynot56 commented
Correct on the He-3 fusion. Oh but sorry to rain on your parade, that is still only like 50 years off.
The technogeek in me loves it. The economist says not now
mamabear commented
Space elevators? Surely you jest.
W.Wallace commented
Helium-3 fusion is aneutronic and produces no notable radioactive byproducts. Although solar power is an immediate solution to global warming, the space consumed by solar arrays is prohibitive--interplanetary mining of Helium-3 starting with deposits in the Lunar regolith and eventually at Saturn is the only truly sustainable long-term solution for humanity energy needs.