A plan to end the war in Iraq within months
In a nutshell, it's about running a big media campaign in Iraq to show good willed intentions, win hearts and gain trust.
I imagine Obama speeches addressing the so called terrorists, explaining that Iraq needs them. I imagine speeches telling that for US troops to leave, order must be restored, that the damage has to be undone and that we need to work together. I imagine president Obama talking common sense, appeasing hurts, asking for reconstruction and cooperation in a movement of hands joined together. I see him as a bridge builder and therefore I imagined him building bridges as a means to end the war too.
Just like the presidential campaign, it should be viral, pushing the traditional media aside and reaching the audiences directly, ignoring the commentators, analyzers and demagoguery, simply focused on getting the message across. Addressing the opponents of the current Iraqi government, it should be viewable by anyone. It could go as far as proposing a pardon to those still roaming free who have committed acts of terrorism in Iraq (not elsewhere!), for in the greater balance of things, pardon is a small concession when compared to preventing more deaths, destruction of lives and the achievement of peace and prosperity for a nation that has known so much suffering.
One of the big advantages of this strategy is that it allows all sides to keep face. There would be no real loser and everyone would be a winner. An option would be to let the 'rebels' in on it before the broadcasts began, so that they would be accomplices to the campaign. You could organize a grassroots campaign too. And I bet the folks who worked on the presidential campaign could come up with new and improved ideas as well.
Another big advantage is that you undermine hate speech against the US. It's hard to rally people for war and rebellion if the opponent is genuinely asking you to work together by appealing to your common sense in an honest and open manner. On one hand you would have a leader of Iraqi rebellion screaming for murder and on the other you would have the US asking for peace; even for a kid, the choice is not very difficult to make.
I think this idea deserves a shot at being considered by the administration. I realize it could be considered naive but that shouldn't be an excuse to dismiss it right away. A lot of great thoughts were once considered naive too and besides, the new president has repeated his stance on cynicism several times, something for which I applaud him.
In conclusion, share the message and purpose of hope and change that we have heard so much about. Use president Obama's charismatic and rhetorical speeches to gain hearts, gain momentum and end a war that’s been going on longer than previous world wars.
~whiz~ commented
Anti-muslim attitudes should be changed...ALL MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS!!!!!!!