nationalize tools for goverment, such as a purchasing system
Government agencies are rife with waste and duplication of effort. Do something remarkable at the national level that will benefit everyone down to the smallest local levels.
Creating a web-based bid & purchasing system is just one example of a system that stands to reap great rewards for the people by consolidating.
The purchasing power of this magnitude of scale would stand to benefit every single American. If local fire departments and police agencies and public works and so on have the ability to streamline their efforts, the benefits could be huge.
Another example of a national IT system or web-app tool might be Customer Feedback. All municipalities struggle with finding the most effective means to communicate with citizens. The best web-based feedback and customer interaction systems are VERY expensive. The Obama administration has already show itself to be a great online and email communicator - the campaign is the perfect example of this. LEVERAGE IT. Keep it going. The public WANTS to have interaction with government. It is why we elected you in office. Won't you please? ~jake