Unified Civic Network
The Obama administration should sponsor, in partnership with various public and private entities, the creation of a unified meta-network of state, county and municipal online communities.
The government should not own this network, it should be built as a co-op owned by the citizenry and managed by a non-political, trans-partisan organization. Government entities will be able to participate in an official capacity but not moderate citizen participation.
Contact me if you have questions: michael at socialchord dot com

angelknows commented
.Like Obama has said, " Change comes from the Bottom Up not the top down.....amh
flavoredtara commented
this utility will be the best way to make communities work across government, commerce and civic leadership
socialchord commented
Just to be clear. We are diligently working on this on a micro level, but to do this nationally will take more than one company. If we have learned anything over the last 4 years of working on this project, it is that its success is based on partnership and distributed effort.
mark-mywords commented
I've gotten to know Michael and the socialchord team. Their network includes the Obama priority of public record availability (at local levels as well), and more. It includes open-source style public legislative collaboration, professionally edited public journalism, and an interest-based social/organizational networking component that offers generous privacy and control. Very well thought-out!
socialchord commented
PS, you can follow our progress in building this network at http://www.socialchord.com. As soon as we launch our first county in the next week or so, I will post the link here.