Solve the wind turbines vs radar problem
For years wind, turbine proposals have been hindered due to their effects (both real and perceived) on Air Traffic Control, Air Defense, and weather radars. The wind turbine industry is frustrated because there is not a predictable process in the federal government for evaluating and approving new wind turbine proposals. Turbine companies have been known to go bankrupt because they spent much money siting a wind turbine farm, only to find at the last minute that their location is unacceptable due to the effects on radar. Development of a structured government evaluation criteria to determine early in the planning process the possible effects has been wrought with problems. The wind turbine industry and the Dept of Agency have jointly identified this issue as one of their five biggest wind turbine concerns. The CTO should designate a wind turbine-radar Czar, who would be chartered with developing an evaluation criteria, considering the needs of all the interested government agencies and the wind turbine industry. Also, this Czar would be chartered to identify possible mitigation technologies and manage a program to implement them.
jps commented
Recommend Infrared, visible, and radio scanners on towers (made to look indistinguishable from radio towers.) We need those anyway to measure the vibrations which helps with preventative maintenance.