coordination of criminal databases
There needs to be better coordination in criminal databases. National, state, county and local information needs to be tied together. This would help in stopping criminals from simply changing locations and continuing their crimes. I believe it would also help in the economic situation. By example: I had my identity stolen in 1993 and when I attempted to contact local authority about this they simply told me that I had been careless. I was a single mother and employed a nice young mother in my community who seemed to check out to watch my daughter. Unfortunately I didn’t check all her family members! Anyway, she accessed my personal information and stole my identity. She was even able to change some of my information at the Social Security Administration. It took my remarriage and changing my name to discover this misinformation. Bottom line, it’s now 2008 and I still deal with this on a regular basis in regards to my credit report. I often wonder how many of the credit defaults are a result of a stolen identity.