Common Enterprise Architecture
To align information management with government functional agencies, there need to be a common enterprise architecture framework to address real time and historical government agencies business requirements.
Case inpoint, the horiffic events of September 11, 2001 could have been prevented if information quality and accessibility to business events in real time mode among agencies such as the CIA, FBI and Defense Department was available.
Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the business architecture, information architecture, application architecture and technology architecture is required.
This effort would promote best practices in terms of governance, standards, consolidation of applications, disable stovepipe application and improve the over information architecture for the federal government.
This exercise would also spearhead the introduction of a Service Orientated Architecure (SOA) leveraging a bus architecture to address what is called Complex Business Events.
Lastly, the introduction of a common Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse architecture would provide the foundation for analytical requirements.
Overall, the government needs to be accountable to the citizens of the United States, thus, a Social Network portal delivering key performance indicators (KPI) for government agencies would be ideal to keep the pulse on government spending and policies.