Revitalize the Clinger Cohen Act and E-Gov Act
During the late 90s, efforts to reform the IT Acquisition Process by OSD's Stan Soloway, Marv Langston, Art Money were supported by some 13 non-profits and signed off by Dr. Jack Gansler. These recommendations to establish a technology clearinghouse and streamlined acquisition process have gained broad support by agencies and industry groups but failed to overcome the rice bowls and self interest of our traditional system integrators. Relying on old style architecture and acquisition methods cost the tax payer $15B/year in failed IT programs, and delay the deplyment of critical capabilies by years. The AF Solution Assessment Process is a model that others should follow. John Young has challenged his leadership to streamline these processes. Yet, we cannot solve these poblems with the same kind of thinking that got us their in the first place.

HarlanNY commented
Interesting. Could you post some links to references about some of these issues?