732 results found
Incentive to startups in Energy innovation
Provide incentive to startups in energy innovation.
Level the playing field for garage-startups with ideas to invent in green energy innovation against the oil and coal giants.
Google and Microsoft happened because there were no such products. Innovation from startups in energy cannot happen because there is already energy in the form of coal and oil. That is not a level playing field. The government has to offer incentives.
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eliminate the BCS and implement a college football playoff
the BCS is a biased and unfair system to determine which is the best football team in college football. we waste immeasurable time, energy, and bandwidth complaining, debating or hyping who should be #1. use diplomacy and creativity to develop a playoff system that is fair and ethical so that the true #1 is determined on the playing field.
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Allow private domain registration for .us domains
As it stands now, you have to expose all your personal information to register a .us domain name. Law enforcement agencies have access to the information behind each private registration anyway, why expose us to spam, harassment and worse?
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Protecting Children on the Internet
Millions of children use the internet daily and it is important for the Obama CTO to protect all children. Everyone can agree that the number of internet predators are increasing at an alarming rate. As the CTO for the country he/she should address this issue.
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Let all citizens vote on congressional bills
The CTO should create a website where all pending legislation is posted. Then citizens could review bills and vote on whether they think it would be good for themselves and theirs neighbors.
This information would then be shown online in real time allowing congressional representatives to see how their constituents feel about a given bill.
This would inherently let our elected officials know how we feel on any given issue or bill.
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Create a Department of Efficiency
The Department of Efficiency's objective would be two fold: 1) further current technologies by making them more efficient, and 2) to dedicate a research facility and staff to work on new, more efficient ways to do things.
Examples of the first objective would be to improve battery technologies, or simply expedite new technologies to the market.
Examples of the second objective would be to create a new people moving device that can move people faster and with less energy or greenhouse impact on the environment.
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7 votes
Install solar or wind power at the White House
Let the white house be a model for green energy. Give tours of student and civic groups, showing off the green tech and how much money is saved.
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Smart home technology
Efficiency improvements need to account for a good 25% to 30% of our fossil fuel reductions. Smart home technology, with real time exterior temperature integration, can supply a large chunk of the efficiency and its a cool toy too.
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Focus on White Space development
The FCC opened up development of the TV spectrum White Space on Nov 4th 2008. With the correct attention this could allow the deployment of internet nationwide in only a few years. the technology is backed by industry leaders (Google, Microsoft, Intel to name a few). This would help to create a new sub-industry & could produce jobs. There is also the chance that local communities could run the connections in a "public access channel" or "PBS" style format. This could be done in conjunction with one or more of the companies listed who could provide hardware, training & infrastructure…
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Use Web 2.0 intelligently
1) Use Web 2.0 to communicate with the public and start discussions
2) Use Web 2.0 to make policy - announce new regulatory efforts in blogs, YouTube, etc.; conduct conversation using wikis, webinars, etc.; broadcast new policies using social media
3) Open access to Web 2.0 Many federal agencies today still block their employees from using these tools for their work, meaning there's no learning going on about how to use them.7 votes -
7 votes
create a telecommuting initiative
Insist that companies have formal telecommuting policies in place, to reduce the utilization of fuel and electricity.
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Don´t Follow Bush steps
Mr. Obama. You are the hope of our Planet. You will make history. I´m brazilian man that wish to you that God bless you in your decisions. I hope that you have a different way doead the USA. Do not make the same Bush´s mistakes.
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Overhaul the CIO Council (www.cio.gov) to represent mission
The Federal CIO Council needs to become a transparent , vibrant, accountable, trusted, outreach-focused working group that partners with agencies to efficient;y and effectively use technology to support their missions and ensure customer satisfaction, much like what happened with Web Content Managers via www.webcontent.gov . The CTO and CIO roles need to have a more grassroots focus and multiple inputs and ideas that will naturally align with the business needs and policies of the government.
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Allow normal people to invest in start ups
Currently, arcane SEC regulations place huge burdens on companies wishing to raise money from the public. In fact, it is often flat out impossible for companies to accept investment capital from anyone who is not an "accredited investor". Accredited investor means over $300,000 in annual income, or over $1,000,000 in assets. Much of the tech community would love to invest their money in new ideas, but unfortunately, we are by and large forbidden to do so. Changing this is crucial to maintaining the united states as the leader in software technology.
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Rewrite intellectual property law via a democratic process.
Title says it all. Copyright law, patents, and trademark law harm the many and benefit the few. Let people in every state set up councils that are open to the whole public, and send delegates to a national IP congress to revamp copyright law.
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name an underchief of usability and information architecture
Whether it is the documentation of the government, the legislative process, voting systems, tax forms, you name it - the whole thing could use a 21st century information architect applying a user centered design approach.
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6 votes
Invest in advanced manufacturing technology
Let's invest in advanced manufacturing technology and educate our workforce so that we can once again create actual value instead of debt.
6 votes