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Obama CTO

Barack Obama is going to appoint the nation’s first CTO. What are the top priorities?

Obama CTO



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  2. In a country as large as America, gun control will only empower criminals and make law-abiding citizens more easily preyed upon. It's like Penn Jillette said - if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.

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  3. The idea for a "National CTO" is counter productive. I don't want the Federal Government to have any kind of control over the Internet or technology development. Such interference with the markets will only hurt development in the long run.

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  4. The ballot box is not the time or place for the voter to get an education on the candidates. History has shown a candidate's party does not necessarily represent their values which means many votes are cast with false assumptions based on information provided in the ballot box. This of course dilutes the votes of people that actually did their homework. So, either remove the party affiliation from the ballot or add an issue matrix for each candidate tot he ballot and toss the party line voting. Perhaps replace it with an issue line vote. I think the simplest thing…

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  5. Privacy means the right against unsanctioned invasion of privacy by the government, corporations or individuals, and should be protected with laws.

    Personal details of any kind, including medical, financial, or political information should be accessed, communicated and traded with utmost discretion to avoid fraud and identity theft, government surveillance, and corporate exploitation.

    As technology has advanced, the way in which privacy is protected and violated has changed with it. Generally the increased ability to gather and send information has had negative implications for retaining privacy.

    This is the time to enhance existing privacy protections!

    See also and read the…

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  6. The government's IT is not up to speed at all. We need a CTO who can make things happen in an enterprise. We need someone who has succeeded in big enterprises before.

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  7. Just about every other industrialized country has a national agency with the job of protecting personal data privacy. While that model might not work in the U.S., the CTO should prioritize working (along with the FTC) to investigate privacy risks, set standards, and educate the public and policymakers.

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  8. Broadband speeds in the US are half the speed of other countries. As a country we need to be competitive in technology and be the leader in all aspects of Information Technology. Government also need to regulate and cap prices of broadband across the board to make it faster speed affordable

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  9. US is the global leader in high tech innovation. However, our top position is under threat as our industries are increasingly unable to hire qualified scientists and engineers.

    The H1B program has helped the US attract top technical minds from around the world to fuel our technology sector for years, helping us stay ahead of rapidly emerging countries like India and China who would otherwise retain such talent. Even as our technology industry expands to compete in the global market, fewer H1B visas are being offered to attract global talent to the US, putting us at a disadvantage in recruitment,…

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  10. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an international non-profit advocacy and legal organization based in the United States with the stated purpose of being dedicated to preserving the right to freedom of speech, such as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, in the context of today's digital age (see also digital rights). Its stated main goal is to educate the press, policymakers and the general public about civil liberties issues related to technology; and to act as a defender of those liberties. The EFF is supported by donations and is based in San Francisco, California, with…

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  11. Laws are currently written in such a way that they are inaccessible to the general public.

    Without being able to make informed decisions, by understanding the laws which our legislators are voting for we are forced to take their word on the issue. This promotes a government based on charisma rather than real consideration of the issues.

    I suggest that each law be required to have an easy to understand non-legalese version to which legislators can be held accountable.

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  12. 15 votes

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  13. 15 votes

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  14. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The goal of this bill was to cut waste just like you, Barack Obama, spoke about when you mentioned the waste associated with 3 point data entry. HIPAA's privacy issue was about encryption methods for this digital data, not more paperwork to sign at an office we associate HIPAA with. The act itself was called the Administrative Simplification Act.

    Read the exact words from
    "The Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA, Title II) required the Department of Health and Human Services…

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  15. 15 votes

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  16. Government creates and is itself governed by a syntax called "law". Only specially trained "lawyers" are able to grok this language. Citizens, to be effective, must understand their government and must thus grok law. A simple law to english translator would do a lot to facilitate citizens' education.

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  17. The government should be looking for the best and brightest..not the ones that are left over...they should spend whatever it takes and operate like a startup! Reward these people with a salary plus equity so they'll be incentivized to create new developments instead of stagnate in their government secured roles.

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  18. Cable TV providers are famous for charging consumers for channels we don't need or want. Ala carte pricing would allow people to choose what they do and don't want, and only pay for what they use.

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  19. The government should be proactive in supporting movements like creative commons, but also encourage copyright agencies to work together to make it easier to create innovative services based on copywritten material, while properly paying royalties to the proper copyright holders. Establishing a better standard for individuals without support by copyright agencies to defend their rights should also be considered.

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  20. WiFi connectivity has become a lifeline for many businessmen and other users, specially when they are on-the-go. At a very trivial costs, all airports should be able to provide free WiFi to the public.

    Many airports contract with 3rd party providers, but these providers sell 10-24 hour long tokens and charge a lot, while the user only needs connectivity for much much less.

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