732 results found
Kevin Mitnick for CTO!
It's not only a amrt idea to have the biggest hacker on YOUR side, but Mr Mitnick will surely contribute to the balance between security and privacy, whilst respecting the rights of every American.
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Get congress to use a concurrent versioning system
Congress needs to publish who did what to which bills when. If a congressman won't publicly stand by a change to a law, then perhaps that change doesn't belong. Allowing members to comment on the change would also help. The overall goal should be to encourage transparency, and to eliminate people "slipping in" last minute changes.
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Do away with the credit score system
It seems the system we use is highly flawed. There's always mistakes on the reports, and no real way to fix them. My credit report still dosn't have my correct address on it.
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convince pres obama to investigate bush et al for WAR CRIMES
how can we lead the world as a free society in anything without at least assuring our own citizens that the basis for all of our freedoms, technological and otherwise, rests in our Constitution?
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Make programming part of a standard grade school education.
In the Internet age, computer programming should be a basic skill, like literacy and algebra. For didactic purposes, I recommend an emphasis on C, Perl, and Javascript.
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10 votes
Create internttional set of codes and laws for the Internet
The nations of the world needs to work together to come up with a clear and well defined set of policies, laws, and regulations for the Internet. No one country can do this alone.
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10 votes
embrace open source software and hardware
Tap the ingenuity of open source community to create, develop, maintain, and compete in public policy decisions.
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Repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
"Over the past five years, few companies in the tech industry have even considered an IPO in the U.S. thanks to draconian policies in the form of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that make it far too costly to be a public company in this country. And in the process, the government's fear of companies has made the U.S. far less competitive globally and American-based tech firms have felt that strain."
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Unlocked Cellphones for Everyone
Ensure that consumers have the opportunity to use the cell phone of their choosing on the network of their choosing by making the cell phone companies sell completely unlocked phones.
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Electronic Medical Records
Make electronic medical records completely portable.
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Reduce hazardous E-waste being dumped in China
Where do the millions of computer monitors, cell phones and other electronic refuse our society generates end up? http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4586903n&tag=mncol;txt
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Establish Wiki sites for the White House and Congress
As technology improves and works its way into more and more homes, it can revolutionize the concept of a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people".
Some of the best ideas for the governing of this nation are in the minds of people who may never set foot in Washington. A well-run Wiki could give people the opportunity to share and develop these ideas for new or revised legislation and for the implementation of federal law and programs.
For example, many people talk about tax reform, but it hasn't appeared yet -- there's too much disagreement.…
10 votes -
Credit card providers lower interest rates to 3% above prime
Help consumers burdened with credit debt and get Americans buying again. Credit card interest rates run as high as 30% -- something like loan sharking. Let's have a law that limits allowable interest to 3 to 6 percent above the prime interest rate.
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Create a DRM-free national music/video subscription service.
It is patently obvious to all but the ossified music and video industry that you can't treat bits like an object. Music and video have to be free. But artists and those that provide services to them deserve to be supported and when they're good, to be rich!
If you want to jump-start the economy, create a cheap subscription service. It will more than pay the artists and the industries that really serve them. And it will UNLEASH sales of hardware/software like NOTHING ELSE.
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Build an intelligent computer voting system
Once and for all, the nation should share a voting technology to ensure that our democracy can be accurate.
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Web-based confidential participation in health research
Public health research is tremendously expensive in part because Americans are too terrified to participate by answering surveys honestly, much less donate samples (dna, serum, biopsies etc). Many countries have very comprehensive national health records, tumor registries, records of occupational exposures etc. Leaders like Obama should step up and tell African Americans, for example, that it's in their best interest to participate, and that there are safeguards (tremendously burdensome and complex safeguards) now that prevent repeats of the Tuskege experiment. Hell, you have to do a ton of paperwork to justify using mice! Our understanding of cancer and infectious diseases…
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Retain International Ph.D. Students
Every year tens of thousands of new Ph.D.s are earned in the U.S. many of them by international students. Unfortunately, many of these educated workers are forced to leave the U.S. due to visa issues.
The future of the United States will be built upon its technological advantage, and the more people we educate and then send away, the faster that advantage shrinks. These are the best and brightest minds in the word. We have, in many cases, funded their educations. They want to work here and build the future of America, all we have to do is let them.
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Create Scholarships in Technical Fields
Too much of our government money is going to support people being educated in fields that do not support the technological advancement of human existence. While we certainly need people to study a diverse set of fields, and even a few lawyers, our education system is not set up to provide incentives for people to pursue careers in engineering and the sciences. We need to encourage our smartest people to study these subjects. We need to make them desirable. Scholarships for students that choose those fields at the undergraduate and graduate level, and high school "scholarships" to allow more qualified…
9 votes