Multiuse Bridge Upgrades
Lifespan - A Resource- and Energy-Efficient Multi-use Bridge Concept
A major focus of the new administration is the repair of the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, including much needed bridge replacements. Rather than simply replacing the current bridge structures with ones that merely fulfill the function of conveying vehicles, a more efficient and creative solution would be to design structures that serve multiple functions. At is a Youtube video presentation detailing a concept known as Lifespan which combines a bridge structure with a multi-use high-rise.
The concept’s rationale is that land required for multi-use structures could be spared by combining dwelling, commercial, community, and professional space with parking levels, mass-transit & bridge decks in a single structural support system. The construction of such an edifice would require no more land than is needed for a typical river crossing, yet the occupants would enjoy the multiple benefits of waterfront living. The land spared from development could then be used for agriculture or parklands. Combining uses would also reduce the need for automobile traffic, since occupants could potentially rely solely upon the structure’s vertical circulation system to carry out daily activities without the need to commute by automobile. Off-site travel would be accomplished through a mass-transit system incorporated into the structure.
Many major urban centers are built upon waterfronts, yet the current bridges provide merely a means of linking to the opposite shore. The Lifespan concept would make the bridge into a destination as well as vehicular conveyance. By utilizing wind, solar, and water currents for power generation, these structures could also be energy-autonomous, providing living and working space without burdening current energy reserves.
Implementation of the Lifespan concept would not only enhance many urban skylines and provide a tremendously appealing ‘urban neighborhood’, but would also demonstrate a commitment to environmental awareness and resource efficiency.