illegal immigrants - send them home
Cutoff all benefits, enforce the borders, fine them for expenses like unpaid emergency health care, etc. They are not cost neutral and should not be given any benefit to stay in the US. Also eliminate the law that allows illegals to have children in the US who then become a US citizen. Also prohibit allowing relatives of illegals, and legal immigrants from being brought into the country and added to SSI which drains Social Security. Support the people who go through the legal immigration process, and provide NO support to those who break laws and sneak into the country, or stay beyond VISA expiration dates. California is now collapsing from the excessive costs of supporting illegals, so lets stop it now in the rest of the US. Also, prohibit schools from teaching in foreign languages...only teach in english. Separate non-english speaking kids into other classes and don't let their poor grades affect rankings, funding or performance of kids of legal citizens who speak english. Make english the official language and ban retail and other signs in other languages - English only. English is required to become a citizen, so do not subsidize lazy immigrants who don't spend time to learn english and assimilate into the US>