Build a transpacific tunnel
Imagine a Tunnel spanning from San Francisco all the way to Shanghai China. If we use Vactrains or Maglev Trains in an airless tube the train could go up to 5,000 miles an hour. Making it possible to ship goods from China to America in 1 hour and 24 minutes.

Tunnelvisi0_0n commented
It is technically possible for a tunnel to span the whole of the Atlantic as this would absolutly cut costs and travel times, not forgetting the tedium caused by air travel with waiting in Q's. Money is time and a tunnel linking London/Dublin/Paris/Brussels/Amsterdam/Berlin and other cities to New York/Washington D.C./ Monntreal/Toronto/even Los Angeles. It must be done, NOW!
A Transpacific Tunnel CAN be done but the costs would cripple the might of China's economic power but products would get to and fro each other much easier. A feasability study between both nations and even other nations as e.g. one of Japan's islands may be needed as a terminal or even Midway Island can be used as a stop off point. It should be done. It MUST be done!
Nigel Hughes of Bangor, North Wales, UK.