Universal Technology for Schools - build the economy and all
Build that "information superhighway" to every American school. Each school needs real, high-speed, broadband connections and wireless support which can enable students to use laptops. handhelds, and mobile phones to bring information and communications access to every student. We need to train our students in the use of 21st Century Technology, and how to leverage that technology for education, in jobs, to overcome disabilities and disadvantages, and to improve democracy.
We can join this to a Universal Design Technology initiative which insists that our schools use the ubiquitous technologies of the age to support student learning. From free text-to-speech systems for those with learning disabilities to mobile learning supports for those without economic advantages, from accessible websites for those with visual impairments to alternate keyboards for those struggling with dexterity. And including a nationwide commitment to text-to-speech systems to support literacy development.
Currently, US schools privilege 15th Century "Gutenberg" technology, which limits access to success to a small group of elites. Embracing Universal Design technology opens a world of possibilities, and installing this is an "every town" stimulus package.