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21 results found
5,990 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
John: We can attract the worlds best students and make sure that more of them are coming from the U.S. at the same time.
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
c8503: The problem would be better solved by improving the quality of the United States public school system, by, for example, using 5% of the defense budget to halve class sizes, build more schools to house the doubled classes, put teacher salaries on par with upper-middle management salaries, and waive state and community college tuitions. Let U.S. students compete in U.S. universities!
jps supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
We need <a href="">lithium sulfur batteries</a> on both the small scale for portable consumer electronics, and the large scale for storing wind power for periods of calm.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
Recommend Infrared, visible, and radio scanners on towers (made to look indistinguishable from radio towers.) We need those anyway to measure the vibrations which helps with preventative maintenance.
13,736 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
Using the analog television spectrum and existing analog spectrum infrastructure per ScooperJay's suggestion below is much more important than an earlier transition to IPv6.
jps supported this idea ·
10,648 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
This certainly is an issue deserving technical attention, because like almost all omnibus (multi-topic) legislation, there are some parts that need to be repealed, and some parts that need to be fixed. For example, moving privacy-busting powers from the FBI to the IRS will allow IRS auditors to focus on better audits, internationally, e.g.
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
jmkowalski: The CTO can certainly say, "Hey Boss, read this please and if you approve please send it over to Harry and Nancy"
jps supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
This needs to be balanced with privacy-busting IRS subpoena power against tax shelters including in the Caribbean and Switzerland, non-income assets, and moving the focus of IRS audits back where they will make the most money for the U.S., instead of so many little-guy audits, which are a disgrace.
356 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
DCdawg: still no case state law there
anonymous proposer: the spelling is "precedents," by the way
511 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
tmcmh: if the government mandates IPv6, then they pretty much mandate migration away from multi-homing. I'm still not convinced.
AnonymousCoward: It's not perfect, but NAT has been solving the problem of address space limitations for more than a decade now.
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
If IPv6 is so great, why hasn't the market adopted it? It's not like most systems don't ship with it.
302 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
This is properly the domain of the market. Imposing a good strategy now may impede the development of great alternatives or modifications to it.
2,183 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
jmkowalski: No drama = shared turf. The Labor department has been gutted into a former shell of itself which doesn't even release a fifth of the statistical data it did in 2000. If you want to hire an army of wind turbine erectors, you will need decisive executive action at the highest levels, not an ancient gutted bureaucracy.
jps supported this idea ·
301 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
I like it, but I will vote for this one after we have flooded them with halved class sizes and doubled teacher salaries.
17 votes
jps supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
I would much rather have the Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer ( ) back on the front burner than a SETI revival; the former will provide better targeting than the later can achieve with isotropic listening.
33 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
You're soaking in it.
29 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
I'm not sure, the monoculture is what makes Microsoft Windows so vulnerable. Do we really want only one security infrastructure? Single points of failure would be amplified.
851 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
This is easy, with the right people in charge, thank goodness. What we really need is the Office of Technology Assessment back so that Congress won't always be in the dark as they have been since the Rethugs abolished the OTA.
6,179 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
DCdawg: so you are saying that executive agencies used the money that Congress already spent on this to pay for contractor "money pits" who "couldn't do the job." I assume that those contractors were held to task by their contracts, or is it the case that the administration was too incompetent to even draft a contract to insure performance?
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
Also, case law should be available free on the web; even State case law.
8 votes
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5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
This one really needs more votes!
jps supported this idea ·
4,495 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jps commented
Someone in a different idea suggested that we should be using the formerly analog TV spectrum for this, and I agree.
2,906 votes
jps supported this idea ·
1,866 votes
jps supported this idea ·
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