Carefully consider the future of Intellectual Property right
We're at the early stages of what appears to be a slow-motion upheaval of IP rights worldwide. What we're missing is a clear and consistent vision and set of policies in this space. Patents, copyright law, and many other aspects fit under this umbrella.

sunnyrabbiera commented
IP has been misused too many times, its time for it to stop.
Armarius commented
The constitutional basis for copyright and related laws is clearly to advance the public good. This requires a balance between creator and user interests. The scales have been tipped in favor of creators in recent years and this needs to be corrected.
GlibReaper commented
The term intellectual property is used to confuse some very different areas of law and I oppose it's use. I do agree that copyright and patent law need to be overhauled in the face of the Internet (where everything is a copy) and computer software (where obvious patents are often granted).
3rdtechie commented
There is a place for copyright. i.e. so recording artists and producers can make money from what they create. However, it has gone way to far. There should be more freedom for Fair Use. Creative Common is a terrific model for sharing and remixing in the 21st century. CC fills the gap nicely between Copyrighted and Public Domain works.
pmocek commented
see also: "Adopt EFF's Innovation Agenda" <> - their agenda includes reforming the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
pmocek commented
I support the intent of this idea, but we shouldn't even be using the term "intellectual property". See the <a href="">Free Software Foundation's essay "Did You Say `Intellectual Property'? It's a Seductive Mirage"</a> for a good explanation of why this is bad.
rflrob commented
The problem with this suggestion is that there's no definitive point at which we could say "President Obama has carefully considered the future of IP". As much as I agree he should do so, I'd suggest we ask for something he can definitively do (or not), like repeal DMCA.
Valkyrie commented
As long as fair use isn't discarded with the above model, I'd support it. Otherwise, I tend to favor Creative Commons.
freelancer commented
If you've been following the current copyright law rewrite, you'd know they (large corporations) are trying to get it so that everything will be required to be registered with a for profit database, or it's fair game for the rest of the world to use.