Follow the Constitution
If the constitution doesn't grant you the right to do it, don't do it.

HeckRuler commented
In a perfect society, the free market would probably fix all ills, but then again we'd have no need of a government. There is no way anyone will ever convince me that the trust-busting of the lat 1800's was a "bad thing" for America.
And initially, I didn't think we needed legislation for network neutrality. But then Comcast and others started being evil without telling anyone.
sos commented
"Interpreting" the Constitution is the worst thing you can do. If you want to do anything, you just "interpret" it in. Anything not in the Constitution can be added via amendment. Read the 10th Amendment, for goodness sake. Government has proved it is not the answer to ANY of our problems, except for defense ( it cant even defend our borders against illegals). The less government, the better.
John.Argent commented
TomFromSeattle they um interpreted the constitution to say its legal for your city or county to steal your property for their profit
NicodemusLegend commented
Rather than a "if it's not there, don't do it" policy, I'd rather say "If it's not forbidden, it might be okay" attitude.
raygun commented
INTERPRETATIONS end up serving an agenda. Values do not change or sway with popular sentiment which is why the Constitution should NOT be interpreted. Who would you want to interpret the constitution for you TomFromSeattle? A packed right wing SCOTUS? Maybe Rush Limbaugh? Or maybe I'll interpret the words LIE, CHEAT and STEAL the next time I am dealing with you in a business transaction.
denb commented
Interstate commerce prevails! It cannot survive without modern technology.
shangle commented
The technological developments of the last 20 years were the result of the free market at work. I want government to stay away from it.
TheM commented
It's important to keep in mind that a lot of modern infrastructure, including public roads, etc., wouldn't be possible without a lenient interpretation of the "necessary and proper" clause. As such, this user thinks that it is more important to interpret the constitution while still holding true to the main ideals rather then treat it as the 10 commandments.
caross commented
Exactly, INTERPRET is right. If we "followed" the constitution we'd have a LOT different US than we do right now. -
TomFromSeattle commented
Um, how about 'interpret' the constitution. Those old farts who signed that thing couldn't forsee our technological advances, much less their implications. Many were slaveholders, for goodness sake. Don't treat the constitition like the ignorant agnostic's Bible! It's not the word of god or even particularly well trained or educated men. Not to mention the absence of Women's input.