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Obama CTO

Barack Obama is going to appoint the nation’s first CTO. What are the top priorities?

Obama CTO



732 results found

  1. The internet has the potential to be an amazing means to right the wrongs of the past and remain an agile society faced with resource depletion.

    Network transmission must be kept free, open, and unbiased - that makes the rest possible. National effort must be put into solving some of the employment crisis by hiring people to build free access hardware, educational materials, independent media, governmental transparency, and bring it all back together with Democracy 2.0 online.

    Power that with electricity from "green economy" energy infrastructure and you've got a bright future for this country.

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  2. A farmer in Somalia needs your help to feed his family and help you to address a global issue - global warming. Much of what Americans do at home is reflected in the rest of the world and Americans are morally obliged to start thinking globally - beyond monitors you stare at now. America’s security is also at stake if Somalia’s farmers cannot feed their families. And global warming threatens America’s farmers also.

    This is why I cannot afford having my suggestion sunk into oblivion by barrages of wishes. I will, therefore, restate my suggestion with a solution for the…

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  3. I just think google and the others have too much power.
    by aaacceeelmnooprrsstuz

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  4. Every man woman and child regardless of race should have access to the Internet. Increase access to lower income and rural areas to give access to the residents in order to lessen the divide. Increase government Internet initiative programs educating citizens of about the benefits of the Internet and engendering participation in the community at large.

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  5. For years wind, turbine proposals have been hindered due to their effects (both real and perceived) on Air Traffic Control, Air Defense, and weather radars. The wind turbine industry is frustrated because there is not a predictable process in the federal government for evaluating and approving new wind turbine proposals. Turbine companies have been known to go bankrupt because they spent much money siting a wind turbine farm, only to find at the last minute that their location is unacceptable due to the effects on radar. Development of a structured government evaluation criteria to determine early in the planning process…

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  6. All these weirdos giving weird suggestions, as if he could repeal the USPATRIOT act... btw how is it even connected to tech...
    The best suggestion is to standardise on MS Solutions

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  7. All these weirdos giving weird suggestions, as if he could repeal the USPATRIOT act... btw how is it even connected to tech...
    The best suggestion is to standardise on MS Solutions

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  8. Use videoconferencing!!!! It saves so much time and money...If this new administration is serious about making improvements, build on the video solutions the current administration already uses on a daily basis.

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  10. Breakup the lock in forced by telecoms, and allow customers to choose cell phones separately from choosing telecom service provider.

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  11. We cannot let a ignorant body of house and senate representatives create legislation without the facts, without real scientific data that backs them up. The need to educate them on what REALLY works is essential. Just to mention an example the ethanol fuel idea is flawed, providing just a bare minimum of net energy gains after all is accounted for. (1 unit of energy spent = 1.4 gained), raises the cost of food, etc.

    This should help streamline our energy independence goals.

    All legislators, and specially President Obama need to have the latest data on any particular matter, cell phone…

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  12. Low-income students - especially primary school students - are at a significant disadvantage in the digital era due to lack of access to both the hardware itself (computers) and the Internet (broadband access). In every generation, children are the future of the workforce, but in the 21st century, computers are indispensable for success in - and even understanding of - the working world around us. If kids don't have access, they fall exponentially behind those who do. What discoveries won't be made (or might be delayed significantly) because the child who might grow up to make them couldn't advance due…

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  13. Offshoring of technological jobs provides short-term gain for Corporate America (e.g. lower labor costs), however our nation/economy can no longer afford the long term expense (e.g. reducing opportunity for American workers to build technological expertise necessary to compete globally).

    Please provide incentive for Corporate America that hire and train American workers.

    And please ensure that every American has access to an affordable broadband network. This will enable cost-effective training for all Americans (via virtual classrooms), increase telecommuting to help reduce our nation's carbon footprint, and improve availablity/transparency of information to better manage employee performance from afar.

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  14. Create a government managed required open source voting software project. This software should have it's code open to all for review/submitting updates but managed by the government. It should be a legal requirement that it is used by all voting machine vendors for any machines used for federal elections.

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  15. my bank Details can be found in my dustbin every Friday!

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  16. By mandating each auto manufacturer to have as an option a flex fuel plug in hybrid available by 2010 we can be free of mid east oil, clean the environment and save the auto companies from themselves. All technology is available now and can be implemented by that date. Cellulosic ethanol should also be available soon after that time so that the world food supplies of corn, sugar are not depleted.

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  17. GDCM's nlyte solution is a sophisticated environmental and strategic management system, with reporting and business intelligence functionality, that determines how infrastructure and IT assets combine to create both the physical and virtual data center. End-to-end mapping provides a complete view across the infrastructure, from power and cooling, to virtual domains, hosts and business applications.

    nlyte has been designed specifically to provide automation and optimisation of elements such as heat, cooling, power and space as well as extensively mapping relationships. nlyte also has a centralised configuration management application that is designed to integrate with existing data center equipment and centralise disparate…

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  18. It is well-known that many of the country's important regulatory agencies are in bed with the industries that they are supposed to be regulating -- for example the biotech industry's revolving door into key positions in the FDA. This has been shown over and over again to allow for the sale of potentially hazardous materials with inadequate testing, or the ongoing release of toxic substances into the environment with no genuine oversight.

    For the health and safety of the country and its people, all of the regulatory agencies should be staffed by knowledgeable people who can be shown to be…

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  19. Instead of wasting money on dumb nerd program things, I perpose Presedent Obama should make surplus jobs building and maintaining public dirt tracks. Not to mention; local hospitals would recive much surplus buisness.

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  20. Protect U.S. assets from foreign entities by implementing and updating our information security. Protect our "perimeter defenses" from those entities abroad currently assailing them.

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