Consider John McCain as your Secretary of the Navy
Well, it would honor him. Didn't he wear that NAVY baseball cap when he was campaigning? And, that would put him at least on a par with his famous father and grandfather who were admirals - a rank he never reached. In fact, it they were still alive, he would outrank them - he would be their boss!
Not bad for a guy who graduated fourth from the bottom of his class at the academy.
Then, when he retired, a carrier could be named after him. It should be an oil fired steam turbine vessel - fueled by oil from the ANWR and homeported at a base that could be seen from Governor Palin's kitchen window with state of the art retro prop driven biplanes flown off her decks and "Shoo - shooing" any Russian aircraft that ventured too close.
Of course, Cindy McCain would do the christening with a bottle of beer followd by a gin chaser.
Jim Oss
WaKeeney, Kansas