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An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
Has anyone heard of anything new that the government is doing toward finalising our metrication? I am hoping that there will be some sort talk at least by the end of the year. I keep checking my regular websites in hopes of seeing something new. Does anyone have any websites that could possible have any updates?
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
USMA, that is scary just thinking about that. Which makes it all the more important for us to insist that our health care workers use metric only measures and make it understood that is what you want. Metric conversion at this point is not only a matter of improving our economy it is a matter of life and death.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
I agree Ametrica. But it is going to take people like us to invoke the kinds of changes that are needed. We start by requiring our doctors and nurses to use metric only on us. Then we should contact the administrators of the hospitals and get them on board. Johnson City Medical Centre where I live uses metric on the patients. I had to go to the ER and was pleasantly surprised that they did.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
That is why I require the nurses and doctors at my doctors office to use metric measures on me at all times. They know to set the scale on kilograms before I get on it. It is in very bold print on the front of my chart METRIC MEASURES ONLY. They all know that I am well versed in everyday metric and can understand when my weight is 96 kg. It took me a long time to find this office.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
I remember 5 years ago being told that TV was going digital. But like every other thing the government didn't educate the public and now they are playing catch up. My mother was even caught off guard. In this case the compulsory method is working and the transition to digital will be relatively smooth. Compulsory at this point in the game is the only way to metrication of the US.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
USMA that just goes to show you what can happen when the public get the proper information and education. I think for the US though, our metrication will have to be compulsory. We tried the voluntary thing for too long and it didn't work, as I am sure you will agree. Like it was mentioned in another blog, the government made it compulsory for TV to changed to digital.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
When it comes to road signs, I think Canada did a pretty good job of that. They systematically placed new signs and kept them covered until the day of the nation wide reveal. In one day they, like Ireland unveiled the new signs and took down the old ones. I agree that is what needs to be done here. With our vast size, I will take some logistical planning to get everyone on the same page.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
Yes USMA it does have to be done right. First the public needs to be re-educated to learn daily average use of metric. I know I keep mentioning Australia, but I really think they did it right. They educated the public. Gave them all the information they needed. Let them know when the transition will happen. Then made the transition compulsory and they haven't looked back.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
USMA, I can honestly say I can't wait until the starting gun gets fired. This has been so long coming that I don't think we can wait 10 years for it to be complete. With Mr. Obama wanting to have the interstate system rebuild and create jobs that will rebuild our infrastructure, he surely can have it done in metric from the get go. I still think Australia's model would be the best to follow.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
With the current economy. What does everyone thin the possibilities are that we can finish our metrication during the next 4 years? Will Mr. Obama consider the financial ramifications on our country if we don't complete what was started back in 1866? I seriously hope that he takes a good look at this site realises that we are serious about moving forward with metrication.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
Old Engineer, the change wouldn't be sudden. Some old measures will have to remain for some time. It took Australia several years to phase out the old measures. But we should no longer keep struggling with an archaic system just because some people refuse to accept another and better way of doing things. We can no longer be the 363 kg gorilla in the room. We need to get with the programme.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
I know Wakka is on our side. :o) I was just pointing out how things in the archaic system can be so different from one measure to another and how things weight differently depending on whether they are dry or wet. In SI we don't have to worry about that. If it says 1 kg then it is 1 kg whether it is wet or dry. :o)
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
Wakka we wouldn't need to worry about whether the product is dry or wet (ex. 16 dry ounces and 16 wet ounces). Since both of them could actually have different weights it would be so much easier with SI. Not to mention the odd and archaic measurements that go into making an acre. I still can't wrap my mind around that. I could see that SI was easier almost 30 years ago when first taught it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
I strongly support this effort. However, I have always been curious:
Can anyone estimate the cost to re-sign every road in the country?"
The cost could be minimal. Weather proof stickers could be placed on the speed signs until new signs could be made to replace worn or ageing signs. Mile markers and exit markers can be done in the same way. This can start with the interstates.An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
When given the proper information, the Australians were able to convert over and have lived at peace with the metric system for over 30 years now. A compulsory change over is the only way to make the change over happen. We have tried the voluntary way and it didn't work. We are loosing trillions of dollars in trade commerce because we aren't fully metric. In this economy can we afford that?
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
During the 70's and 80's when we were supposed to be converting. The school system went headlong in teaching the students metric. We didn't learn much of the old way until I was in high school. I ask Mr. Obama to make it compulsory for the change to be completed. Follow Australia's example. From what I understand their conversion was pretty painless.
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Bruce M. Herbertson III supported this idea ·
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An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
Our country was founded on freedom of religion. Our founding fathers made that clear in the constitution. Religion has no place in government. Our current president made policies based on his faith. I know Mr. Obama is a man of faith, but I don't think he would allow his faith to dictate policy like Mr. Bush did. One can have their faith but keep it out of government.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bruce M. Herbertson III commented
I would like the Pledge of Allegiance to be restored to what it was before the words "Under God" were added. Also I would like the words "In God We Trust" removed from the currency.
Our government is supposed to be secular and having these words on our money and in our pledge is unconstitutional and a blatant violation of state and church separation.
LETS GET RELIGION OUT OF GOVERNMENT!!!Bruce M. Herbertson III shared this idea ·
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Michael Glass, I agree completely. If we followed Australia's example we could convert in about 5 years. We are a good way there right now. What we need are members of Congress and the Senate that have back bones and stand firm and say we are going to do this for the sake of our country and our economy.