Can I ask, PRECISELY how this is supposed to save money? Ripping out the proprietary packages (e.g., SAP, Peoplesoft/Oracle) currently in use in the government would cost TENS OF BILLIONS. Tell me PRECISELY how an ROI is generated on those billions? Nebulous "citizen innovation" doesn't do it. Okay, the citizens now have data. How does this recoup the billions? Can we think about this for a sec?
Can I ask, PRECISELY how this is supposed to save money? Ripping out the proprietary packages (e.g., SAP, Peoplesoft/Oracle) currently in use in the government would cost TENS OF BILLIONS. Tell me PRECISELY how an ROI is generated on those billions? Nebulous "citizen innovation" doesn't do it. Okay, the citizens now have data. How does this recoup the billions? Can we think about this for a sec?