Decriminalize marijuana use for recreational purposes.
If alcohol is legal, marijuana should be as well. It's health risks are significantly less than those attributed to alcohol consumption. And, to be honest, everybody loves smoking marijuana.

dannychewietomkoski commented
I'm under impression that you all smoke pot illegally already which is why you want to decriminalize it
camtheterpsfan34 commented
it would stimulate the economy, but crime rate would go up. People would be looking to get their hands on it more if it was legal. However, if they do "decriminalize" marijuana and the economy gets right back on track, once they notice the crime rate goes up, they'd make it illegal all over again.
jpruett303 commented
I think it should be legalized as well, the outcome of smoking marijuana as opposed to alcohol or other drugs is much better. No one has ever stolen, or died or killed to smoke pot. Legalize it.
mamabear commented
Let's not call it "decriminalization" but rather, "ending prohibition" of marijuana. Then we can look at the reasons why it was made illegal, and realize how invalid those arguments were. And also how its prohibition is preventing us from making huge leaps in medicine, such as further research into how marijuana cures cancer.
mamabear commented
Let's not call it "decriminalization" but rather, "ending prohibition" of marijuana. Then we can look at the reasons why it was made illegal, and realize how invalid those arguments were. And also how its prohibition is preventing us from making huge leaps in medicine, such as further research into how marijuana cures cancer.
pmocek commented
We should do more than just decriminalize it; we should legalize it. But this is not related to a national CTO's duties.
HeckRuler commented
Yep, not in the CTO field.
jfaster commented
Not within the CTO's purview.
nerdychaz commented
I support the idea of stopping the drug war. War... A war waged upon the American people. Marijuana was legal up until fifty years ago. What happened? Overnight thousands of Americans were made criminals. Sad...