Settings and activity
11 results found
11 votes
AnonymousCoward supported this idea ·
86 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
43 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnonymousCoward commented
No, it should be Django.
Wait, what about PHP? Perl? C? Assembly?
Just choose the best tool for each job.
74 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnonymousCoward commented
The problem with current education seems to be the lack of students' motivation, not a lack of focus in some disciplines.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnonymousCoward commented
Hate speech is still speech. Promote the implementation of per user 'mute' or ignore features in every application and protocol.
6,179 votes
AnonymousCoward supported this idea ·
511 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnonymousCoward commented
Some companies are going to need it soon, if they want to talk to their outsourced plants in china. I've seen predictions saying they will run out of ipv4 addresses less than three years from now.
AnonymousCoward supported this idea ·
4,495 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnonymousCoward commented
High powered wireless meshes
Allow researchers to create wireless mesh routers that use higher powered radios than currently possible. Then allow anyone who wants to make their own ISP to buy these boxes along with cheep bandwidth.
361 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AnonymousCoward commented
Net Neutrality won't make my ISP suck less. Break up the monopolies.
BTW, if anyone tried to kill their competitors' services, google would probably blacklist them. Try telling your customers why they can't get to youtube.
8,888 votes
AnonymousCoward supported this idea ·
6 votes
AnonymousCoward shared this idea ·
Encourage GOOD DESIGN. Possibly by giving out pamphlets outlining these things with whatever documents get passed between the local governments and home/property buyers.