All legislation, precedence and codes publicly avail at no $
Make all legislation, precendence, laws, municpal codes, etc publically available at no charge, and providing a means of indexing, sorting, searching, and determining differences with updates and bills. It needs source control!

John.Argent commented
Yes I think it is a job for CTO, how are you going to make it available, Print, Microfilm, no - computer the internet technology
jlindsey commented
I think this is a good idea, but is this really something for the chief technology officer to address? It's not exactly related to technology.
jps commented
DCdawg: still no case state law there
anonymous proposer: the spelling is "precedents," by the way
Jakewk commented
This is a genious idea. This will help the public maintain compliance and avoid the gotchas of hidden regulations. With this information, more small business owners can plan for the realities of dealing with government. Plus it will help highlight overripe regulations that need reform.
DCdawg commented
Oh yea... I forgot the Government Printing Office at!
DCdawg commented
RichardBronosky commented
Yes, version control is so important that I think it's worth having its own suggestion!
burke_eric commented
Source control is key, we need to see exactly who wrote each part of the legislation