172 results found
Over Population. How Can Obama Curb This Global Threat?
The greatest global threat is the human evolutionary propencity for procreation leading to over population, on a exponential growth pattern.
Humans are the protectors and replicating slaves via sex of DNA and, will forever resist birth control. Even at the cost of future catastrophe.6 votes -
Build A US Peace Army
We have the biggest Army in the world.
We have to start shifting the attention to peace by sending out Peace Soldiers to countries who need our help. We should provide these countries with food, medical and educational help. We might get more benefits in long term by helping other people.5 votes -
Liquids are not a threat to nat'l security
! Use our analytical powers to prioritize threats to national security and determine that it is OK for me to take my full-size tube of toothpaste on the plane again.
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Build the Trans-Global Highway (TransGlobalHighway.com)
The Trans Global Highway would physically link by highways and by rail transport, all continents and major population centers. It would allow rapid transport of raw materials and finished goods from near and far. In addition, the Trans Global Highway would offer a conduit for gas, oil and water pipelines, as well as communication and electric power cables. From a technical point of view, the entire road and rail network is feasible, utilizing the engineering, materials and technology of today. The Trans Global Highway would undoubtedly increase global security through mutually dependent trade and commerce.
The Trans-Global Highway would include:
- …
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Establish UWBIA (Universal Wireless Broadband iNet Access)
The USA should lead in wireless broadband Internet access. As a cartel of Telecom Monopolies - in Collusion with the Bush Administration blocked the market entry of hundreds of ISP's (now bankrupt and gone), with real wireless broadband solutions to the "Last Mile Strangle Choke Hold" of the cartel, the change we need is a program where the Federal Government would partner with school districts, power companies, and local governments - nationwide - to establish Wireless Broadband forward. This International Public Utility is too precious a public treasure to allow Telecom Carriers further monoply control.
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Close Home Land Security Dept
Chome Land Security Dept never should have been created. make the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOD work together and save money by getting rif of Home Land Security.
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Stimulus check
Instead of give the middle class a check, why not give a credit card (with their amount on it)that they would have to use at stores instead of putting it in the savings.
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youth voice
Obama's campaign was made successful in part by all of the youth who supported him. Now is the time to listen to the voice of young America. Young people, especially those too young to vote, need to have a voice in the policies that affect them. What are your ideas for youth engagement in this new administration?
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In regards to: The Nation Wide Foreclosure Problem
In regards to: The Nation Wide Foreclosure Problem
From: A concerned constituent
To Whom It May Concern:- I look at it from the bottom of the problem up.
- Who is most in real need of survival help should be the government’s main focus first.
- Home owner’s personal residents only are #1 priority in my way of thinking any thing beyond that is there problem alone. The price you pay for poor financial investing.
- Not second home mortgages / vacation homes / investment homes or properties…
- I believe its time for some financial institution to step up to the plate and…
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What should be his top priority?
Many people think different things... What does a majority of everyone think about what his top priority should be?
What do you think?4 votes -
Repeal Proposition 8
Proposition 8 is not constitutional and Obama has specifically stated his opposition toward it.
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Use people that speak the local language overseas
I saw the republican representative in Germany trying to speak German and it was a disaster. Granted, the audience was not exactly pro-republican, but still. If the US had someone who could speak the language well I'm sure it would have made a better impression on the average person. Sound bites, etc. Making friends with the people we trade with is always smart.
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Build a transpacific tunnel
Imagine a Tunnel spanning from San Francisco all the way to Shanghai China. If we use Vactrains or Maglev Trains in an airless tube the train could go up to 5,000 miles an hour. Making it possible to ship goods from China to America in 1 hour and 24 minutes.
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4 votes
Nationalize Medicare removing all insurers and their profit
If citizens were to self insure unter the federal umbrella it would spread the risk and the profits currently going to insurers would be available to spend on health care instead. Essentially the mones spent on medicare supplements and prescription drug plans would be collectively paid by all medicare enrollees that currently pay a private insurer. Perhaps an expansion of military and veterans administration hospitals wouldallow us to gradually widen health care for all citizens without the profit taking by middlemen insurers.
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Turn off street lights to save trillions of dollars instantly
just in IL on 294, where two to four 250watt street lights are placed every 100' we could save 500,000,000.00 in three years. You wouldn't need much to get this program started, just turn off the switch.
3 votes
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