172 results found
Turn off street lights to save trillions of dollars instantly
just in IL on 294, where two to four 250watt street lights are placed every 100' we could save 500,000,000.00 in three years. You wouldn't need much to get this program started, just turn off the switch.
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Top worries or concerns for the working class
Tax incentives for the weathiest of big business has broken the tax payers back and gotten us in a terrible fix. Offering incentives to the working class will produce better results, nothing to lose at this point.
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3 votes
Stop discrimination against American IT workers
Discrimination is not innovation.
Asserting that foreign IT workers are needed because Americans lack the necessary skill has no support in reality. Obama comes off no different than a plantation owner from the old south who said Africans were needed because the locals didn't make good slaves.
Stop the discrimination against American workers. Stop directing American jobs to foreigners. There is no justification from taking the ability of Americans to earn an income away from them.
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no separed family
yo Isabel Espinoza
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Build a transpacific tunnel
Imagine a Tunnel spanning from San Francisco all the way to Shanghai China. If we use Vactrains or Maglev Trains in an airless tube the train could go up to 5,000 miles an hour. Making it possible to ship goods from China to America in 1 hour and 24 minutes.
4 votes -
Refresh mission of nation for next 500 years
Recreate, rediscover deep archetypal purpose, direction of whole nation, global role for next 500 years or even twice more. Use max crowdsourcing IT capabilities. This conceptual definition lets formulate max versions of national strategies for every consequential decade.
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Fund Interstelllar Spaceship
Obama, I truly admire you. I think you are a great man.Unitel Aerospace really needs your help. Please look into it. I think their concept is the best for intergalactic travel. With their starships you could provide intergalactic travels for humanity. Website is http://www.unitel-qht.com/uni/ .Have a look at it and invest in it Obama. Man needs to leave this planet and explore other stars if he is to survive. Even Stephen Hawkings says so. We have to reach for the stars. Please Obama fund the spaceship.
You will become known as the first man to travel all over the universe.…
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3 votes
What should be his top priority?
Many people think different things... What does a majority of everyone think about what his top priority should be?
What do you think?4 votes -
Replace Patriot Act,repair the damage done to public trust
- The wealth of the nation stands on the foundation of personal liberty.
- Government agencies are now running unchecked and amok as historical constitutional constraints have been laid aside.
- The populace increasingly fears the government with good reason. Civil action against government, out of fear or in self defense, abrogates progress in many basic areas. As a country we will increasingly tear ourselves apart, handing victory to those that we seek to defend ourselves from.
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Spectrum Use for Government
Currently, the largest holder of spectrum in the US is not industry, but the Federal, State, and Local governments. Terrestrial use of this spectrum varies from walkie talkie applications over VHF to animal tracking. All of these applications use disparate, proprietary, and low spectral efficiency access technologies.
Use of IP based broadband networks, such as LTE or WiMAX, where IP is the unifying protocol, will allow for IP based applications to be used/built for the Government. The applications become a function of software, rather than hardware, and can use COTS devices more readily and in less expensive manners than special…
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1 vote
Third party candidates be admitted to major party debates.
Until third party candidates are allowed to debate with Democrats and Republicans, we will not have a true democracy.
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Increase Retirement Age (Start the Phase In Now!)
Anyone who will retire in the next 5 years can receive SS as scheduled.
Anyone who will retire between 5-10 years are required to work 2 more years before getting SS payments.
Anyone who will retire more than 11 years in the future are required to work 5 more years before getting SS payments.This is simple and fair - people are living decades beyond retirement age now. Lets get her done it's a no brainer!
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Open Source Software
The use of (Free) Open Source software to replace expensive proprietary software.
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Obama should invest michelle's anual million in stock mkt.
Wow! President Obama doesn't seem to realize how many teachers, union members and everyday Democrats as well as Republicans depend on the stock market for their survival in their old age when they can no longer work for their money I think he has more knowledge of Karl Marx, who never lived in a society like this, than how the stock market works. When you threaten higher taxes especially on capital gains, then people see no reason to invest. When you threaten an idiot idea like cap and trade, the market smells more government regulation, and they will not invest.…
1 vote -
illegal immigrants - send them home
Cutoff all benefits, enforce the borders, fine them for expenses like unpaid emergency health care, etc. They are not cost neutral and should not be given any benefit to stay in the US. Also eliminate the law that allows illegals to have children in the US who then become a US citizen. Also prohibit allowing relatives of illegals, and legal immigrants from being brought into the country and added to SSI which drains Social Security. Support the people who go through the legal immigration process, and provide NO support to those who break laws and sneak into the country, or…
6 votes -
Restore Scientific Integrity to the White House: Good policy
Restore Scientific Integrity to the White House: Good policy in Washington depends on sound advice from the nation's scientists and engineers and decision-making based on the needs of all Americans. Obama and Biden will restore the basic principle that government decisions should be based on the best-available, scientifically-valid evidence and not on the ideological predispositions of agency officials or political appointees.
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Let us not get caught in a quagmire in Afganistan
The Russians spent nine expensive, deadly, unsuccessful years in a futile effort to win friends and influence people. They finally left with their tails between their legs. Let us not get caught in the same kind of predicament in Afganistan!!!
3 votes
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