732 results found
Incentive to startups in Energy innovation
Provide incentive to startups in energy innovation.
Level the playing field for garage-startups with ideas to invent in green energy innovation against the oil and coal giants.
Google and Microsoft happened because there were no such products. Innovation from startups in energy cannot happen because there is already energy in the form of coal and oil. That is not a level playing field. The government has to offer incentives.
7 votes -
rethink corporate copyright ownership for the 21st century
The government should be proactive in supporting movements like creative commons, but also encourage copyright agencies to work together to make it easier to create innovative services based on copywritten material, while properly paying royalties to the proper copyright holders. Establishing a better standard for individuals without support by copyright agencies to defend their rights should also be considered.
14 votes -
1 vote
improve the usability of government websites
Current government website has minimum measurable usability and accessibility, but the interface and interaction design is far from current standards.
I suggest that government give opportunities to students in leading educational institutions (ie. state universities) to take part in redesigning the web experience of their jurisdiction.
5 votes -
Create electronic form processing
We must be able to submit any government form online and be able to track its progress through the review system. This will improve processing times and reduce costs as all the information will be already electronic with no data entry required. Also, citizens will be able to oversee the process and be able to resolve any issues faster as there will be no reliance on snail mail.
42 votes -
Create new Porn tax to fund school IT projects
Tax all business selling "erotic" products and services and use the revenue to fund IT projects within schools.
Tax revenue can be collected as sales / service tax.
Schools to obtain funding through standard grant process. Emphasis should be on under-funded, low income areas.
3 votes -
Jumpstart Grade School Education
The crisis that the US primary and secondary schools are facing is no secret. Somehow we need to connect students with great teachers who are not only knowledgeable but also inspirational.
We need to have middle and highschool material available for free online. MIT is doing this now but only for college material.
http://ocw.mit.edu/For more info check out:
I pitched this to Google's 10^100 project.65 votes -
Lazer sharks
Defend our nation from the terrorizers with friggn' lazor sharks.
160 votes -
Encourage broadband competition in all markets
Without competition in broadband market, providers will have little impetus to expand speed, reliability, availability, or cost of services. Encouraging competition will foment technological improvements, expanded availability, and pro-consumer rates.
11 votes -
Start investing in Electronic Healthcare
Our paper based healthcare system is archaic and inefficient. The US currently lags behind our neighbors in electronic based healthcare.
Electronic health records are the key to empowering the patient, ensuring safety, security and privacy, and saving taxpayers billions in costs.
We need to invest in companies that are making Electronic Health Records possible, foster data sharing and securing initiatives and give incentives to healthcare providers to move away from their paper systems and onto electronic ones.
115 votes -
10 votes
Embrace stem cell research
Reverse the Executive Order limiting stem cell research in the United States. This field promises to cure some of the most tragic and crippling diseases of our times.
The US has already begun to lose its leadership status in advanced medical research and risks losing its ability to compete in this 21st century industry.
205 votes -
Abolish the H-1B visa and bolster national I.T. academics
Discontinue the H-1B visa program immediately and instead bolster national I.T. academic programs to help fill our own I.T. jobs with our own citizens.
32 votes -
Secure the Networks used in the US
The Department of Homeland Security has failed to secure the network infrastructure of the US. We need to implement nationwide intrusion detection systems, trojan, virus, and botnet hunting mechanisms. This suggestion is similar to "Protect the internet by requiring ISPs to stop botnets". Just try to get the FBI to investigate a "pump and dump" cam. They need resources and they need help from the cyberwarfare center to do it. Make it a national priority, and save us millions of man hours and billions of dollars.
13 votes -
Web-based confidential participation in health research
Public health research is tremendously expensive in part because Americans are too terrified to participate by answering surveys honestly, much less donate samples (dna, serum, biopsies etc). Many countries have very comprehensive national health records, tumor registries, records of occupational exposures etc. Leaders like Obama should step up and tell African Americans, for example, that it's in their best interest to participate, and that there are safeguards (tremendously burdensome and complex safeguards) now that prevent repeats of the Tuskege experiment. Hell, you have to do a ton of paperwork to justify using mice! Our understanding of cancer and infectious diseases…
9 votes -
invest in electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, saving GM.
Electric cars would require funding, but the concept is proven plausible. Creating the beast would require brilliant engineers, creating jobs; manufacturing the beast would require thousands of hands, creating jobs; the end result will be a shift away from oil, prolonging American self-dependance.
43 votes -
Create a "Sciencecorps" like an Americorps or Peacecorps
Give people the option to work on science/technology/research/medicine projects to support the public like we do in Americorp (or even military service).
Create benefits, tuition breaks and other perks in exchange for dedicating 2 years doing public service work in tech fields.
1 vote -
make accessibility and universal design priorities
People with disabilities are still at a disadvantage when using the web. The CTO should lobby Congress to extend the ADA to the web, reinforce Section 508 rules for federal websites, advocate for universal design in the web, and encourage private enterprise and open-source developers to offer inexpensive solutions for issues people with disabilities have with using the web.
28 votes -
Develop a secure web-based voting system for elections.
Encourage those with internet connections to vote via the web. The system would be run using social security numbers to ensure no voter fraud. This would provide voters with immediate web access to be an informed at the polls, would increase the "youth" vote and would reduce long lines at the polls. While additionally decreasing operational costs and reduce the "carbon footprint" of a paper-based election.
21 votes -
Follow the Constitution
If the constitution doesn't grant you the right to do it, don't do it.
26 votes